
Hong Kong weatheri

Latest news and updates on Hong Kong's weather, covering typhoon warnings, black rain alerts, flooding, heatwaves and the impact of extreme weather events and climate change on the city. 



Hong Kong saw its highest ever March temperatures, while the UK awaits the end of winter – but climate change is bringing earlier signs of spring in Britain, causing a sense of renewal and revival.

In Hong Kong, I faced typhoons that threatened to take my roof off. In England, storms equally strong have struck, but it is the rain and short, dark days of winter that are hard to endure.


‘[It will be] very hot … with maximum temperature of around 34 degrees in urban areas, and couple of degrees higher in the New Territories,’ forecaster says.

‘With the southwesterly airstream becoming active, there will be more showers with squally thunderstorms … in the next couple of days,’ Hong Kong Observatory says.

‘Tsing-ma’ among list of names endorsed by global typhoon body, after one of world’s longest suspension bridges that connects Hong Kong’s Tsing Yi and Ma Wan.

Chaos at Waterbomb Hong Kong music festival after long queues caused by delayed start and hours-long wait to retrieve bags from cloakroom after event ends.

Strong easterly wind expected to reach the Guangdong coast on Monday and may bring showers and blustery wind to the region, forecaster predicts, with raining likely to continue through to Friday.

More than 500 chairs will be available at departure hall, with each seat prepared with supply kit containing pack of crackers, bottle of water and blanket.