
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)i

Latest news and updates about traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), including Covid-19 treatments, food to eat and avoid, acupuncture, gua sha, and how TCM could help with anxiety and pain relief.

  • Hong Kong stock exchange’s IPO prospects has received a boost after fundraising in the city slumped to a two-decade low in the first half of the year

Experts had to be called in after a woman in Taiwan, who had been taking traditional Chinese medicinal dried goods for a decade, started to think they were made of plastic.

Stress, headaches, poor sleep, and menstrual cramps are among the issues foot acupuncture and acupressure foot massage can alleviate, according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is gaining wider recognition for helping treat disease and Hong Kong is keen to blend it with Western medicine in its hospitals, but some obstacles stand in the way.

A centuries-old traditional Chinese exercise is being embraced by the country’s younger generations because it relieves ailments aggravated by long working hours and stress.

Fine dining meets traditional Chinese medicine at The Mira Hong Kong’s Cuisine Cuisine restaurant, where chef Edwin Tang creates health-replenishing dishes that incorporate TCM ingredients.

A natural alternative to Botox and fillers, cosmetic acupuncture is a more holistic approach that aligns with the growing desire for natural, sustainable beauty solutions – so how does it work?

Doctors at the Original Mayr health resort in Austria combine traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine to diagnose and treat health conditions, and prescribe a detox diet, to help guests lose weight.

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to receive eight months of training on the mainland and another 16 months in Hong Kong as part of government scheme.

A new traditional Chinese medicine-based therapy is said to be helping people with psychological ailments such as stress, depression and grief, but not everybody is convinced of its effectiveness.

A doctor and a nutritionist, both in Hong Kong, describe the differences between stomach flu and food poisoning, the causes of gastroenteritis and how best to treat it.

A man in China has been told by doctors that 15-year-old parasites discovered in his spinal cord resulted from him following traditional folk remedies based on snake parts.

Allex Chan, indie dream-pop singer-songwriter and the guitarist of band NYPD, performed with Kay Tse in 2021 and worked on the score of an award-winning animated short. He talks to the Post about his music.


A couple in China were so grateful to finally conceive after almost a decade of trying that they knelt down and wept in front of the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) doctor who helped them.

A new study suggests that tai chi may help lower blood pressure in people at risk of developing hypertension more effectively than conventional aerobic exercise. Experts describe its benefits.

Hong Endian, 52, told by judge ‘only and irresistible inference’ was that he had colluded with others to bring the scales of endangered species to city.

A consortium led by state-owned Sinopharm has revived a take-private bid for China-TCM, the Hong-Kong-listed drug maker said on Wednesday, valuing it at US$2.96 billion.


A five-year-old girl in China who learned to practise the ancient technique of acupuncture from her Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor grandmother has amazed mainland social media.

To the uninitiated, traditional Chinese medicine treatments can appear scary and extreme, but as the Post found out, millions of people swear by them as cures for all manner of ills.