Kylie Knott

Kylie Knott

Hong Kong
Assistant Editor, Culture 
After many years with the Post, Kylie Knott found her calling on the culture and lifestyle desk. She writes about the environment, animal welfare, food and the arts.

The revolving tabletop platters are found in Chinese restaurants all over, but who was Susan? And why was she idle? The answer is a bit hazy.


French actor and director of How to Make a Killing on why it’s ‘quite different’ to anything he’s done before, fame, and actors he admires.


On show at White Cube, the wonders of space and nature, and a racist symbol, shape the art of Pindell, 81, raised in the America of Jim Crow.


Catfishing is in focus with two documentaries about it currently streaming. A Hong Kong psychologist has advice for victims of the deception.


Shaylee Atary directed Single Light, inspired by a sexual assault she suffered. It is one of 25 films in festival celebrating Jewish culture.


Secret Theatre’s latest show, Art of Dying, is packed with gangsters, CIA agents and creepy characters running amok in a Hong Kong hotel.
