Stats / Horses / JUMBO HAPPINESS


C. Fownes / Rating: 73

Import Type / Colour / Sex / Age / Country of Origin:
ISG / b / g / 12 yrs / GB
Owner: Billy Chan Wing-kwong & Billy Chan Chun-kit
Last win: 18-03-20
Health: Lame right front leg on the day after racing. (30/10/2017) Lame left front leg (diagnostic workup, extended period of rest recommended). (29/10/2020) Failed vet exam: Lame right front leg. (28/11/2017) Injury to right front proximal check ligament. (28/06/2018) Right distal radius stress fracture. (26/04/2017) Increased radiopharmaceutical uptake in right distal radius and 3rd carpal bone. (12/11/2017)
Sire: Fastnet Rock
Dam: Tashzara

Past Performances
Total Starts: 29: (4-1-4)
ST 1200m: 2 (0-0-0)
HV 1000m: 3 (0-1-0)
HV 1200m: 22 (4-0-4)
HV 1650m: 1 (0-0-0)
RaceTrack/GoingDistClRankTrainerWt.JockeyDrGrWinner2nd3rdWin TimeLast QtrSection TimeIn RunningW/MHorse WtRtOdds
03-06-20718HV tf g A120036C. Fownes128C. Y. Ho7BHIGHLAND FORTUNEFANTASYISLAND SHINE1:09:3123.7224.15 22.32 23.25 9-9-62.51154751917
13-05-20656HV tf g C120036C. Fownes130N. Callan9BSMART LEADERBIG FORTUNEHIGHLAND FORTUNE1:09:5823.2724.62 22.45 23.07 9-8-63.51152768.525
29-04-20620HV tf g/f A120035C. Fownes129N. Callan3BGOOD FOR YOUBEAUTY SPARKLITTLE BIRD1:09:4123.1124.28 22.74 23.05 9-9-54.251156761520
08-04-20559HV tf g B120037C. Fownes130N. Callan7BYOUNG LEGENDPING HAI GALAXYDIAMOND BRILLIANT1:09:4223.1324.45 22.80 23.09 8-8-75.75114776814
18-03-20507HV tf g C+3120031C. Fownes123N. Callan6V-/B2JUMBO HAPPINESSISLAND SHINEFLYING BONUS1:09:5823.0424.11 22.99 22.48 7-7-11.251148701116
11-03-20487HV tf g C120038C. Fownes127C. Y. Ho3V1SPEED VISIONVICTORY POWERWIND N GRASS, SHOUSON1:09:5823.7024.08 22.56 23.31 9-10-82.251152724.39
05-02-20396HV tf g C120035C. Fownes129Z. Purton3 MASSIVE POCKETSPEED VISIONRELENTLESS ME1:09:5823.3124.14 22.57 23.26 8-5-52.51172737.513
15-01-20340HV tf g C+3100039C. Fownes128N. Callan7 HONG KONG WING UNITHARMONY AND RICH0:56:3122.2413.42 21.61 22.39 10-8-971182751947
23-10-19122HV tf g/f C+3120037C. Fownes132Z. Purton3 LE TERROIRFIRST RESPONDERBREEDERS' STAR1:09:7222.8924.81 22.70 22.95 8-8-74.5114775106.7
11-09-1928HV tf g B120033C. Fownes128Z. Purton8 SMART LEADERAMBITIOUS HEARTJUMBO HAPPINESS1:10:1523.0224.35 23.38 22.45 7-6-3H1140745.75.5
10-07-19803HV tf g A100032C. Fownes127Z. Purton5 HONG KONG BETJUMBO HAPPINESSFORZA ANGEL0:57:2923.4813.19 21.78 22.50 10-10-21.2511277378
07-11-18159HV tf g B120034C. Fownes127S. De Sousa6B-LITTLE BIRDPRANCE DRAGONSIR REDALOT1:09:9023.7424.44 22.88 23.25 11-12-44.251105741013
24-10-18126HV tf g/f C+3120035C. Fownes122C. Wong9BJADE THEATREMR PICASSOTELECOM BROTHERS1:09:4023.2524.16 22.59 23.45 6-7-551120751321
03-10-1872HV tf g A120039C. Fownes128Z. Purton1BFANTASTIC FEELINGGAMECHANGERSCALIFORNIA ARCHER1:10:4923.7024.06 22.81 24.13 4-2-93.2511197553.1
05-09-1816HV tf g/f B120033C. Fownes127Z. Purton2BEAGLEFAIRY TWINSJUMBO HAPPINESS1:10:7123.7924.23 23.37 23.24 5-5-30.751100743.33.9
18-04-18583HV tf g B120035C. Fownes129O. Doleuze6BENCORE BOYMASTER ALBERTCHARITY GLORY1:09:9723.1624.77 22.64 23.00 7-7-52.751092754.17.3
28-03-18534HV tf g/f C+3120035C. Fownes128O. Doleuze4BPRINCE HARMONYCHARITY GLORYJOYFUL MOMENTS1:09:7122.8224.39 23.10 22.39 8-9-511096751322
29-10-17152HV tf g/f A1650312C. Fownes130O. Doleuze9BTHUNDER STOMPFULL GLAMOURFLYING QUEST1:40:3423.6553.73 23.72 24.5712-12-10-1210.51107758.28.8
05-10-1787HV tf g A120031C. Fownes124O. Doleuze2BJUMBO HAPPINESSMR PICASSOBACK IN BLACK1:10:6023.0324.47 23.30 22.83 3-3-10.51093695.23.1
13-09-1735HV tf g/f B1200310C. Fownes123C. Y. Ho5BYOUNG EMPIREHAPPY BAO BEISUNNY DRAGON1:10:3023.8924.52 22.73 23.43 10-10-102.51086697.48.4
12-04-17567HV tf g A120033C. Fownes120C. Y. Ho9B PERPETUAL JOYANCEYOU READ MY MINDJUMBO HAPPINESS1:10.423.4 25.16 22.81 22.519-9-30.51072673.73.5
29-03-17531HV tf g/f C+3120041C. Fownes129C. Y. Ho1B JUMBO HAPPINESSSHOWING CHARACTERGOLD TALENT1:09.922.9 24.21 23.12 22.623-3-12.51081583.82.8
15-03-17491HV tf g B120041C. Fownes125C. Y. Ho1B1 JUMBO HAPPINESSCHEER WINGOOD COMPANION1:10.423.0 24.44 23.44 22.575-5-1N1075535.52.8
25-01-17367HV tf g C+3120048C. Fownes128B. Prebble5 GOOD COMPANIONDESTINAMBITIOUS HEART1:10.523.3 25.00 23.04 22.939-10-82.751078557.56.8
27-12-16289ST tf g A+3120045C. Fownes133B. Prebble3 SUPER SIXTEENSPRING WINBOSSIEE1:10.324.0 24.51 22.26 24.139-6-53.251079577.15.1
30-11-16226HV tf g A120043C. Fownes129C. Y. Ho6 SEA JADEHASTA LA VISTAJUMBO HAPPINESS1:10.023.1 25.19 22.66 22.9410-9-34.75107957911
26-10-16134HV tf g/f C+310004DNFC. Fownes129C. Y. Ho2 N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 10865710 
12-10-1699HV tf g B100045C. Fownes130B. Prebble10 JUNZIBEAUTY CONNECTIONMASSIVE MOVE0:57.923.4 13.64 21.76 22.8512-11-521083573476
18-09-1630ST tf g/f C+31200411C. Fownes131B. Prebble12 JING JING WINWINNING BOYGAINFULJET1:09.522.3 25.22 22.79 22.9412-11-1191094575199

HKJC Comment

Away with them, raced 2 wide behind midfield, 5 to 6 lengths back, found rail near 500M, saved ground on turn, made some progress in straight.