
Looking for an easy way to test your reading comprehension and vocabulary? The articles below all come with printable worksheets, as well as a Google form version. Explore our engaging content, levelled down for beginners, while checking your understanding.

Parents in Gaza rush to vaccinate kids against polio

Parents in Gaza rush to vaccinate kids against polio

A project is reducing waste by turning oyster shells into cement

How to make healthier mooncakes this Mid-Autumn Festival

Migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong find support writing poetry together

How fidget spinners could help students focus in class

New book offers tips for tackling Chinese DSE exam

Worried about the new school year? Here’s some advice from psychologists

Palaeontologist explains his role in showing feathered dinosaurs to the world

Hong Kong therapist explains why saying ‘I don’t care’ can hurt relationships

A project is reducing waste by turning oyster shells into cement

How to make healthier mooncakes this Mid-Autumn Festival

Migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong find support writing poetry together

How fidget spinners could help students focus in class

New book offers tips for tackling Chinese DSE exam

Worried about the new school year? Here’s some advice from psychologists

Palaeontologist explains his role in showing feathered dinosaurs to the world

Hong Kong therapist explains why saying ‘I don’t care’ can hurt relationships