Announcement: Young Post’s summer break and our brand-new publication!

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  • We’ll be taking a break from releasing our 24-page print edition until September, but you can still keep up with the latest news on our website – and look for information about the new member of the YP family
Emily Tsang |

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It’s summer, and Young Post is taking a break! We’ll see you again in September! Photo: Shutterstock

Dear Young Post readers,

What a wonderful year it’s been! We, the editorial team at Young Post, are truly grateful to have shared this journey with you – the ups, the downs, and everything in between. Your readership, submissions, and contributions have been invaluable. Thank you so much; you guys rock!

As you happily progress into the summer holidays, our 24-page weekly publication every Monday will also take a break. This is our final issue for the summer, and we will welcome you back in September. But it isn’t goodbye! You can continue to engage with us on throughout the summer.

Additionally, a lighter, 8-page version of Young Post will be available inside the South China Morning Post every Sunday as usual. This way, you can stay up-to-date with the latest news, views, and entertainment, even during the school break.

And here’s an exciting announcement – we’ll be introducing a brand new member to the Young Post family: Young Post Spark! This new version will serve as a fun, interactive sidekick to our regular publication. Stay tuned for more details on Young Post Spark.

Until then, have an awesome summer! We look forward to reconnecting with you all in the new school year.

Hugs and high-fives,

Team YP

Psst: Take a peek at what Young Post will look like in the coming school year!

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