Study Buddy (Explorer): Chinese teen with intellectual disability carries lost girl to police station

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  • Huang Yibo, a 17-year-old from Xian, has become famous on mainland social media for helping a three-year-old girl who was lost on the roadside
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For his act of kindness, Huang Yibo (left) has been honoured by his school and given a 5,000-yuan reward from a company. Photo: SCMP composite

Content provided by British Council

Read the following text, and answer questions 1-9 below:

[1] A Chinese teenager with intellectual disabilities has become a hero to millions on mainland social media. This happened after he helped a three-year-old girl who had wandered away from her family.

[2] Huang Yibo lives in Xian, the capital city of China’s northwestern province of Shaanxi. Last month, the 17-year-old discovered a little girl at the side of a road. The short-haired toddler was wearing a red top. After picking her up, Huang put her on his back and walked to a police station. At the time, the Good Samaritan did not reveal his name to the police. He only said that he studied at a special school nearby.

[3] Later, police and the girl’s family found Huang at his school and thanked him. The rescue was captured on roadside CCTV and inside the police station. After Huang’s good deed was reported in the media, video footage of him carrying the girl to the police circulated on social media, and people began to learn more about him.

[4] Huang achieved good grades at school. He enjoys drawing, cooking and playing sports. He once represented Shaanxi province at China’s National Paralympic Games and National Special Olympics, winning two gold medals and two silver medals in roller skating events.

[5] Huang’s headmaster said that he entered the school with an emotional disorder in 2016, but in recent times, he had gained more control over it. In an interview, Huang’s grandfather said what he expected of his grandson: “God closed a door for you but left a window open. Just be a good person. You must be decent.”

[6] In describing his act of kindness towards the toddler, Huang said: “I saw her on the side of the road and thought if I don’t help her, after a few minutes or hours, she might be kidnapped by some bad guys.” When interviewed by the province’s television station, Huang asked the reporter to give balloons as a gift to the little girl he rescued. He also told the toddler: “In the future, when you go out with your grandmother, hold onto her hand and don’t get lost again.” Huang was honoured by his school and received a 5,000-yuan (HK$5,651) reward from a company.
Source: South China Morning Post, April 23


1. In paragraph 1, the three-year-old girl was ______ when Huang found her.
A. near a beach
B. in a forest
C. by the side of a street
D. outside a school

2. Find a word in paragraph 2 that means “to make something known to others”.

3. Who does the “Good Samaritan” in paragraph 2 refer to?

4. What information did Huang give the police about himself?

5. Decide whether the following statements about Huang are True, False or the information is Not Given in paragraphs 4 and 5. Blacken ONE circle only for each statement. (4 marks)
(i) Huang continues to have issues coping with his emotional disorder.
(ii) He is talented at roller skating.
(iii) He was at the top of his class in the most recent final-year examinations.
(iv) He enjoys cooking fusion dishes.

6. What emotional disorder does Huang have?
A. bipolar disorder
B. chronic anxiety
C. depression
D. information not given

7. Based on paragraph 5, how does Huang’s grandfather most likely feel about what his grandson did for the young girl?
A. proud
B. humbled
C. embarrassed
D. sorry

8. What reason did Huang give for bringing the toddler to the police station according to paragraph 6?

9. In paragraph 6, how was Huang rewarded for his good deed? (2 marks)

A CCTV video shows Huang Yibo carrying the toddler on his back as they walk to the police station. Photo: Weibo


1. C
2. reveal
3. Huang Yibo
4. He told them that he studied at a special school nearby.
5. (i) F; (ii) T; (iii) NG; (iv) NG
6. D
7. A
8. He thought she might be kidnapped by bad guys if he did not help her.
9. He was honoured by his school and received a cash reward from a company. / Huang was honoured by his school and received a 5,000-yuan reward from a company. (any one)

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