Top 10: If you could create a stage name for yourself, what would it be and why?

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  • To create a persona for themselves, our readers chose a host of interesting names; ‘Joyful jumper’ and ‘Monkey’ were among our top picks
  • This week’s question: What was the last photo you took?
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A stage name is a pseudonym often used by performers like actors and musicians. Photo: Shutterstock

This week’s question: What was the last photo you took?

To take part, drop us a line via this form or email us at [email protected] by 11.59pm on February 28. Tell us your name, age and school.

Here are all the creative stage names our readers chose ...

Pinky Chan, 16, Fung Kai Liu Man Shek Tang Secondary School: I would use “Chris Wong” if I could create a stage name for myself. In all my school life, I have never been able to get out of the shadows of “Chris Wong”, whose name always appears in my English exam prompts asking me to help him finish his work. If I am also named “Chris Wong”, perhaps someone will help me finish my work one day.

Jonathan Tang Ho-ming, 14, TWGHs Li Ka Shing College: “Hyper and Math Person”. This name combines my interest in hyper cars and mathematics. Hyper also refers to something very exciting and energetic, both of which interest me. Maths is my favourite subject at school. This name reflects a unique blend of excitement, speed, and intelligence, and I believe it represents me best.

There are a host of reasons why performers may adopt a stage name. Photo: Shutterstock

Natasha Ho, 12 , Maryknoll Fathers’ School: If I had to choose a stage name for myself, I would choose “Joyful Jumper.” “Joyful” because I always want to spread happiness and positivity wherever I go, and “Jumper” because it sounds fun and energetic, just like how I approach new challenges and adventures.

Tina Lee Tin-yu, 16, Kowloon True Light School: Choosing the stage name “Egg” holds a special appeal for me. Not only is egg my favourite food, but it also symbolises a delightful culinary experience. Visualise having a stage name that matches your favourite food – it adds a unique and intriguing touch. With its versatility in cooking methods - such as boiled, fried, or poached – egg mirrors the multifaceted nature of my personality. It showcases the various sides and characteristics I possess.

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Hilary Chan Wing-kiu, 15, Leung Shek Chee College: I would use “Echoheart” as my stage name. The word “echo” suggests the idea of sound waves bouncing back and forth, creating a sense of reverberation and resonance. “Heart” represents emotions, passion, and authenticity. “Echoheart” could symbolise the ability to create music or art that deeply resonates with the audience’s emotions and touches their hearts.

Jasmine Chow Long-ching, 13, Christ College: If I could create a stage name for myself, I would use “Aylin”. This Turkish name means the one who belongs to the moon. I think this name is cool and charming. It brings to mind beautiful images of the serene night sky. This name is very catchy, too. People would easily be able to remember it.

One reader picks “Egg” as their stage name because it symbolises a delightful culinary experience Photo: Getty Images

Vivianna Chan Yuet-tung, 13, Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School: If I had the chance to create a stage name for myself, I think “Regular” would be the most suitable. Even though it may not be that anomalous compared to others, it is easy to recognise and represents myself in a simple way. The purpose of this name is to actually remind me to not be ordinary and to instead embrace creativity in my life. The hidden meaning behind “Regular” is to be irregular among other people and truly enjoy myself.

Kelly Tung Tsz-kwan, 15, TWGHs Li Ka Shing College: “Monkey.” It evokes a sense of playfulness, energy, and curiosity. Monkeys are often associated with agility, mischief, and a lively nature. The name “Monkey” could be attractive and memorable, capturing attention and creating a sense of intrigue. It could also allow for versatile performances, as monkeys are known for their adaptability and ability to entertain with their acrobatics and antics.

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Lisa Zhu, 16, Fung Kai Liu Man Shek Tong Secondary School: I would like “Zora” to be my stage name. It is derived from a Greek word meaning dawn. I hope my life can be like the dawn and become more promising.

Pang Ching-chun, 13, Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School: My stage name would be “Passionate”. I feel it describes my personality in the best possible way. Usually, I feel like I cannot do anything with complete focus, and I usually forget to do things I was told to. However, with this stage name, I can always remind myself to focus on what I have to do right now, in this moment. The name also inspires me always to be passionate about my goals and dreams.

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