

China’s young adults are having fun arranging relationships for their domestic animals, partly in an attempt to divert expectations for them to find a partner.


‘The Mona Lisa of the internet’, fans call her. Meet Kabosu, elderly shiba inu former rescue pup who became the face of cryptocurrency Dogecoin and her photo a US$4.2 million NFT.

Rugged ranch fate, or cruel judgment? South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, a potential Donald Trump 2024 running mate, has shocked Americans by revealing she once shot her family dog.

A cat who survived a burning flat after setting it alight in a freak accident, causing US$14,000 worth of damage, has attracted 8 million views online after its owner made the feline appear on social media as “compensation”.

A woman in China who was upset after a drunken argument with her family, stormed out with her pet dog in tow, which later lead police to where she was attempting suicide.

Muhammad Danial Sukirman was sentenced to 20 days’ jail for causing ‘unnecessary pain and suffering’ to the felines by failing to provide adequate food and water.

A clever Labrador Retriever in China has learned how to pull a rickshaw, and he proudly takes a little girl home in it from school while the other children look on with envy.

#JusticeforKillua went viral after a golden retriever named Killua was found dead by its owner after a neighbour allegedly bludgeoned it to death.


The death of a pet can be painful, but don’t bottle up your grief. Mental health and animal experts explain how to manage your emotions for your benefit and that of other pets in your family.

The pets market in mainland China has seen steady growth in recent years, driven by a shift in ‘lifestyles and mentality’ among pet owners, while Hongkongers too are more willing to increase their spending on the health and well-being of their animal friends, analysts said.


A woman in China has devoted years of her life to looking after animals in need, running up massive debts to ensure they are safe and well-fed, as well as forgoing the opportunity to move overseas to be with her daughter.

Bobi, a purebred Rafeiro Alentejano, had his title as ‘world’s oldest dog’ revoked after Guinness World Records said it found no evidence he had in fact lived for more than 31 years.

Christie Brinkley is turning 70 on February 2, and says wearing sunscreen, maintaining a sense of adventure and being vegetarian have all helped her stay youthful and happy


An elderly woman in China has left all her money and property to the cherished cats and dogs who have kept her company in old age, but nothing to her adult children who have been nowhere to be seen.