Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

17 May 2023 - Happy Valley


Class 3 - 1800M - B
Course: HV Cloudy
Going: g
Finish Time: 1:49:27
Sectional Time: 13.67 22.27 24.55 24.33 24.45

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
13MEANINGFUL STAR (E230)C. Y. HoK. W. Lui771324.55.361:49:273-3-2-2-160.61 24.25 24.41
22ROCKET SPADE (G170)K. H. ChanC. Fownes781285.86.74SH1:49:296-6-7-7-261.13 24.29 23.87
31TIANCHI MONSTER (B350)H. BowmanW. Y. So80135101151 1:49:458-7-6-5-361.05 24.29 24.11
47MAJESTIC VICTORY (E441)B. AvdullaA. S. Cruz661218.98.1111.251:49:465-5-5-6-460.89 24.45 24.12
55TURIN MASCOT (H165)K. TeetanP. C. Ng67122202781.751:49:537-8-8-8-561.45 24.17 23.91
611YOUNG BRILLIANT (H135)A. BadelC. H. Yip641191417101.751:49:542-1-1-1-660.49 24.33 24.72
712SATIRICAL GLORY (H073)M. F. PoonD. A. Hayes62115107.522.251:49:641-2-3-3-760.69 24.41 24.54
86UP AND UP (H163)Z. PurtonC. S. Shum671227.76.273.51:49:8110-9-10-10-861.73 24.13 23.95
98PEGASUS GENERAL (G189)M. ChadwickK. H. Ting661218.25.613.51:49:844-4-4-4-960.85 24.29 24.70
109HIT THE SHOT (E349)A. HamelinJohn Size651201622126.251:50:2512-12-11-11-1061.81 24.25 24.19
114FLYING QUEST (A071)L. FerrarisD. Hall75130182438 1:50:569-10-9-9-1161.45 24.29 24.82
1210VILLA FIONN (B339)L. HewitsonP. F. Yiu641193066910.51:50:9511-11-12-12-1261.97 24.21 24.77
Breed of the Winning Horse:MEANINGFUL STAR
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 3 53
place 3 18
2 23.5
1 32
forecast 3-2 345
quinella 2-3 212
quinella place 2-3 79.5
1-3 85.5
1-2 122
3 pick 1 (Composite Win) A2 22
tierce 3-2-1 1631
trio 1-2-3 340
first 4 1-2-3-7 744
quartet 3-2-1-7 12138
6th double (5-3) $288.5
6th double consulation (5-2) $96.5
3rd double trio (5,7,11/1,2,3) $59766.0
triple trio (1,3,4/5,7,11/1,2,3) $1654602.0
triple trio consolation (1,3,4/5,7,11/
Any Combination)

Recap by phillip woo

Favourite Meaningful Star scrambled home after chasing the speed from gate six and claiming the lead from Young Brilliant 250m from the line. The win was overdue after coming up second best in his previous two races over Happy Valley's 1,650m. Rocket Spade dashed well down the outside to narrowly miss after his one-off-the-fence run worse than midfield. He relished returning to Happy Valley for his fourth runner-up result this term. Tianchi Monster held on for third after looming as a winning chance. The big weight took its toll. Majestic Victory finished fourth after making his run from midfield, one off the rail. It was another good effort after his last-start near win over this course and distance. Turin Mascot ran on reasonably well near the outside to finish next best after making his run five back and one off the fence. He has gone all right since switching to Happy Valley two starts ago. Young Brilliant gave way after clearing to the lead from barrier 10 300m into the race. He has shown more spark in his past three starts. Punted late, Satirical Glory weakened over the final 150m after his speed-chasing run.

Racing Incident Report

Race Seven: (670) - KONG SIN WAN HANDICAP - Class 3 - 1800Meters

TURIN MASCOT's entrance onto the track was delayed after that horse was required to return to the saddling area to have the bit replaced after it was presented with the incorrect bit.

Trainer P C Ng was fined the sum of $3,000.

FLYING QUEST was slow to begin and was then crowded by SATIRICAL GLORY which shifted out.

As a result, FLYING QUEST made contact with the hindquarters of ROCKET SPADE.

UP AND UP was bumped at the start by TURIN MASCOT which shifted in.

VILLA FIONN jumped awkwardly.

HIT THE SHOT was slow to begin and then from the outside barrier was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.

After the 300 Metres, MAJESTIC VICTORY was eased and shifted to the inside of PEGASUS GENERAL to continue into clear running.

Then near the 50 Metres, MAJESTIC VICTORY was shifted to the outside of MEANINGFUL STAR to obtain clear running.

MAJESTIC VICTORY then raced close to the heels of MEANINGFUL STAR over the concluding stages.

When questioned regarding his riding of SATIRICAL GLORY, M F Poon advised that he was given the option of either holding a position on pace with cover or leading if the pace of the race was only slow.

He said in the early stages when YOUNG BRILLIANT showed intent on leading and had set a strong pace, he elected to allow that runner to cross and obtain cover behind it.

He added entering the Back Straight when the pace of the race eased, his mount commenced to race keenly and as a result he shifted SATIRICAL GLORY to the outside of YOUNG BRILLIANT to avoid that runner's heels.

He said when MEANINGFUL STAR improved to his outside approaching the 900 Metres, his mount, which had continued to over-race, became awkwardly placed on the heels of YOUNG BRILLIANT when MEANINGFUL STAR shifted in slightly and as a result he was obliged to steady his mount to allow MEANINGFUL STAR to cross.

When questioned if there was an opportunity to establish a position to the outside of YOUNG BRILLIANT approaching the 900 Metres, M F Poon stated that given SATIRICAL GLORY had barrier trialed well on 9 May 2023 when ridden with cover, he felt this was the best option to allow his mount to settle and finish in the best possible placing.

Trainer D A Hayes confirmed the instructions issued.

The Stewards advised M F Poon when the pace of the race eased, he should have been more decisive to establish a position racing to the outside of YOUNG BRILLIANT at that point.

When questioned regarding his riding out of TIANCHI MONSTER, H Bowman stated that after dropping his right rein between the 150 Metres and the 100 Metres, he continued to ride his mount out to the finish of the event.

He added over the concluding stages when he urged his mount towards the winning post, he became momentarily unbalanced and for this reason was not able to ride TIANCHI MONSTER out over the final stride of the event.

The Stewards advised H Bowman that, wherever possible, to ensure he rides his mounts out fully to the finish of the race.

When questioned regarding his riding out of UP AND UP over the final 100 Metres, Z Purton stated that after placing his mount under pressure in the early part of the Straight, UP AND UP responded only fairly to his riding.

When questioned if there was an opportunity to ride UP AND UP with more vigour over the final 100 Metres, Z Purton stated that, in his opinion, UP AND UP was responding to the best of its ability to his urgings at that time and for this reason he did not feel necessary to apply more vigour to his mount.

Z Purton was advised that, wherever possible, he must demonstrate to the Stewards that he is fully testing his mounts out to the finish of the race.

A veterinary inspection of UP AND UP immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

After the race, M Chadwick (PEGASUS GENERAL) stated that from his inside barrier and having regard to the perceived racing pattern tonight, he was asked to ride his mount in a more forward position than usual.

He added that, in his opinion, PEGASUS GENERAL was not suited by having to be urged forward in the early stages to hold an on-pace position and as a result did not finish the race off as expected.

Trainer K H Ting confirmed the instructions issued.

A veterinary inspection of PEGASUS GENERAL immediately following the race found that horse to have sustained a minor laceration to the right hind fetlock.

MEANINGFUL STAR and ROCKET SPADE were sent for sampling.