Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

3 April 2019 - Sha Tin


Class 5 - 1200M - All Weather Track
Course: ST Cloudy
Going: g
Finish Time: 1:10:05
Sectional Time: 23.88 22.48 23.69

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
16CORRE RAPIDO (A053)Z. PurtonR. Gibson321263321:10:051-1-123.88 22.48 23.69
212THE HAPPY BUNCH (B121)M. F. PoonC. S. Shum201111716122.51:10:462-2-223.88 22.56 24.02
39ROCHFORD (A208)J. MoreiraL. Ho281227.64.712.751:10:5010-10-324.36 22.60 23.54
45WINNING CIRCLE (B275)N. CallanJ. Moore34128151493 1:10:535-3-424.12 22.52 23.89
510HIDDEN SPIRIT (B130)K. TeetanP. O'Sullivan221165.78.5103.51:10:5911-7-524.40 22.52 23.67
611SUNNY ORIENT (V302)C. SchofieldT. P. Yung211176.34.354.51:10:779-9-624.32 22.64 23.81
72MASSIVE MOVE (T073)H. T. MoL. Ho39130182364.751:10:808-6-724.24 22.64 23.92
81GUERDON HELMET (B007)M. HarleyD. Ferraris39133939987.251:11:2012-12-824.52 22.84 23.84
97RUN MOOCHI (B277)C. Y. HoK. L. Man321241114117.51:11:247-5-924.16 22.52 24.56
108ROCKAGE (B242)K. H. ChanF. C. Lor29113132348 1:11:334-11-1024.04 23.08 24.21
113TRAVEL SUCCESSOR (V121)K. C. LeungW. Y. So37131162739.51:11:556-4-1124.12 22.56 24.87
124DRAGON REGIMENT (B439)M. L. YeungK. L. Man341268399718 1:12:923-8-1224.00 22.92 26.00
Breed of the Winning Horse:CORRE RAPIDO
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 6 30.5
place 6 13.5
12 43.5
9 17
quinella 6-12 299.5
quinella place 6-12 103.5
6-9 35
9-12 119.5
3 pick 1 (Composite Win) A1 18.5
tierce 6-12-9 2256
trio 6-9-12 383
first 4 5-6-9-12 1765
quartet 6-12-9-5 33004
1st double (9-6) $938.0
1st double consulation (9-12) $918.5

Recap by phillip woo

Favourite Corre Rapido was briefly headed for the front approaching the 700m by The Happy Bunch but reclaimed the front turning in and drew clear to make it back-to-back wins over this dirt trip. Specked late The Happy Bunch kept on well to hold second after going forward very deep from gate 12 to lead one-off near the 700m. He was suited by the light weight but has been hovering around the finish in few of his recent runs. Rochford got going from beyond midfield after a sluggish start to make it close for the Quinella spot. He has trouble winning but keeps promising over this dirt trip. Winning Circle stuck on reasonably well after being hustled to hold a four-deep spot in midfield. He's shown a bit more spark in a couple of his five runs in this grade. Hidden Spirit made some ground late near the outside after a patient ride three deep near the back. Well-backed Sunny Orient ran on as usual from the back without menacing on a win line.

Racing Incident Report

Race Two: (549) - SUN TIN WAI HANDICAP - Class 5 - 1200Meters

At the time of declaration, C Schofield was declared as the rider of SUNNY ORIENT with a probable overweight of 1 lb.

Mr T P Yung, the trainer of SUNNY ORIENT, was fined $3,000 for failing to declare C Schofield's probable overweight of 2 lbs overweight as was previously agreed between Jockey Schofield and Mr Yung.

ROCHFORD began only fairly and despite being ridden along failed to muster speed.

WINNING CIRCLE shifted out at the start and made contact with HIDDEN SPIRIT.

From wide barriers, GUERDON HELMET and HIDDEN SPIRIT were steadied in the early stages and shifted across behind runners.

Near the 600 Metres, WINNING CIRCLE raced tight between RUN MOOCHI and DRAGON REGIMENT which shifted out.

DRAGON REGIMENT lost its right hind plate after the 600 Metres.

Near the 550 Metres, RUN MOOCHI shifted in marginally when racing very wide and brushed WINNING CIRCLE which in turn shifted in and brushed DRAGON REGIMENT.

DRAGON REGIMENT then shifted in away from WINNING CIRCLE, resulting in ROCKAGE being checked and losing ground.

As the Stewards were satisfied that there was no carelessness exhibited by any rider in this incident, no further action was taken.

Throughout the race, RUN MOOCHI travelled very wide and without cover.

Apprentice K H Chan (ROCKAGE) was informed of the Rules regarding the whip not being used on a horse out of contention.

A veterinary inspection of DRAGON REGIMENT immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

A veterinary inspection of RUN MOOCHI immediately following the race including an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse's trachea.

Before being allowed to race again, RUN MOOCHI will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

CORRE RAPIDO and THE HAPPY BUNCH were sent for sampling.