
Transport and logisticsi

News about the global transport & logistics industry with a focus on developments in shipping, aviation and rail particularly in relation to Hong Kong and China.

  • Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected to announce the accord on Monday during a ceremony in Manisa province, where the plant will be built

Despite its choppiness, the world’s biggest inland body of water has rapidly become a more desired journey for shipments than one through Russia or the Red Sea.

If South China Sea disputes were not worrisome enough, businesspeople looking to capitalise on the Southeast Asian market got a jolt after recent high-profile killings.


FCM Travel Greater China plans to invest in its artificial intelligence capabilities and give its staff the skills they need to get the most out of the technology as China’s outbound travel market enjoys a resurgence.

In a step towards international certification for China’s C919 passenger jet, European officials will make a visit next month to get a closer look at the aircraft and its assembly.


Hong Kong-listed ESR Group, an Asia-focused real estate services and investment company, said China’s securities regulator had approved its plan to list a Reit

A China-backed pipeline that would make Niger an oil-exporting country is being threatened by an internal security crisis and a diplomatic dispute with neighbouring Benin.


In the quest for a greener future, hydrogen is expected to play a key role. Here’s a look at the equipment that releases its potential as an energy source.


After one year of commercial flights for its home-grown C919, China has established a new research fund to fuel the development of new planes and the domestic production of parts to keep them running.


X2, a flying car made by Xpeng affiliate AeroHT, took off at Beijing Daxing International Airport, as the firm moves closer to commercialising its aircraft.

Uncrewed vehicles are essential to China’s low-altitude economy, which the government has bolstered with policies and regulations since 2021.
