
Hong Kong protestsi

The Hong Kong protests began in 2019 in opposition to a proposed extradition law that would have allowed the transfer of fugitives to mainland China, among other jurisdictions. The demonstrations escalated into a much wider and prolonged anti-government movement that resulted in increasingly violent clashes between protesters and police across the city. The social unrest continues to simmer amid the coronavirus pandemic that has shut down parts of the city.


The authorities are right to worry about the protest anthem “Glory to Hong Kong”, but attempts to ban it from global platforms such as YouTube are like trying to catch your own tail.

  • Joshua Wong, 27, appears in court with five other opposition figures to seek lighter sentences for their roles in scheme tied to unofficial primary election

Hong Kong Institute of Engineers says it wants to promote ‘reconciliation’ and give much-needed professionals a second chance after 2019 unrest convictions.

Hong Kong has undergone a sea change since 2019, with the government describing the new era as a transition from ‘chaos to order’.