
History of Hong Kong districtsi

Follow us as we take a historical tour of Hong Kong's districts, exploring the intriguing stories behind the city's different neighbourhoods. From Soho before the escalator, and the colonial elite's dancing parties in 1920s Repulse Bay to Hakka farms and prowling tigers in Tsuen Wan's early days, we'll show you a different side to Hong Kong's districts, revealing what they used to be like before the highways and slick skyscrapers appeared.


After almost two decades of indecision, a developer has been found to turn the historic building in the heart of the city into a ‘vibrant place [for] people of all walks of life’; let’s hope the promise is kept.

New group City Unseen begins a planned series of guided walks with a tour of Prince Edward that reveals curious architectural features and ways residents have repurposed urban spaces.

David Bellis, founder of, a digital repository of expat memories, talks about documenting Hong Kong and moving to Wales, ahead of his upcoming farewell talk at the Royal Geographical Society.


Readers discuss the benefits of supporting the development of Hong Kong’s film and cultural industries, why we must not give up on waste charging, and the plan to ban the Great Artesian Basin from being used for carbon capture.

Hong Kong artist Bianca Tse has created whimsical AI images of the notorious Kowloon Walled City, a warren of slum buildings in the city demolished in 1993 and 1994. She talks about what inspired her project.


With its young people moving away, the culture and history of Tai O on Hong Kong’s Lantau Island were at risk of being forgotten. A non-profit foundation stepped in 15 years ago to help preserve them.

A new Hong Kong exhibition at Gate33 in Kai Tak’s Airside uses typography to explore the built environments, communities and culture of Wong Tai Sin, San Po Kong, Kowloon City and To Kwa Wan.

Nestled in verdant Pok Fu Lam, the University of Chicago’s Hong Kong campus tells the story of the city’s wartime defeat to the Japanese and of its buildings’ subsequent occupants: prisoners.

In his new photo book Abandoned Villages of Hong Kong, British urban explorer Stefan Irvine documents ‘eerie’ deserted buildings and furniture found inside them to preserve the memory of them.

The Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter is a photogenic reminder of Hong Kong’s early days, set against the backdrop of the city’s ever-changing present. Antony Dickson captures scenes from daily life there.

A trio of historic Hong Kong ‘squatter’ villages face destruction, destined to be replaced by homogenous residential blocks despite the efforts of historians, architects and academics.

Retiree files application for judicial review over policy barring him from public housing after he accepted compensation 30 years ago when his flat was demolished.

Artist ‘Little Jade’ is on a mission to sketch Hong Kong’s ever-changing cityscape. ‘It’s important to capture their historical significance and beauty before they disappear,’ she says of the city’s old buildings.

Session in Beijing approves changing reporting line of Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office from State Council to party’s Central Committee, sources say.


Neon signs were once synonymous with Hong Kong, but only around 150 remain. We’ve picked 11 of the best remaining examples – and tell you how to find them.

Hong Kong’s old buildings – especially privately owned ones that can be destroyed at any time – need help from government, private developers and the public to be revived, so what’s being done?

The restaurant in Central, known for traditional dim sum that are increasingly hard to find, announced its closure, and that of its Tsuen Wan branch, on social media, a victim of pandemic disruptions its owners say.
