Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

18 April 2018 - Happy Valley


Class 4 - 1200M - B
Course: HV Cloudy
Going: g
Finish Time: 1:10:40
Sectional Time: 24.01 23.01 23.38

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
110CLEAR CHOICE (A426)M. L. YeungC. S. Shum481185.12.441:10:405-5-124.29 23.05 23.06
28SPLIT OF A SECOND (B027)M. F. PoonL. Ho511186.6950.501:10:4811-10-224.77 23.01 22.70
37JUNZI (V274)N. RawillerW. Y. So511231833111.751:10:6712-12-325.09 22.89 22.69
46VICTORY POWER (B294)M. ChadwickR. Gibson521243268101.751:10:6910-9-424.73 23.01 22.95
51CALIFORNIA ASPAR (A117)K. C. NgA. S. Cruz601298.81981.751:10:692-2-524.05 23.09 23.55
69MASTER VIKING (S385)H. N. WongA. T. Millard50117151561.751:10:704-3-624.25 22.97 23.48
712RAY'S CALL (A269)C. Y. HoK. W. Lui46116111032.51:10:817-6-724.49 23.01 23.31
84HEARTS KEEPER (N360)A. SannaD. Ferraris57129121023 1:10:906-7-824.45 23.05 23.40
92PEACE N PROSPERITY (T210)J. MoreiraK. L. Man601329.820124 1:11:041-1-924.01 23.01 24.02
103ALL MY GAIN (T018)Z. PurtonT. P. Yung591313.83.814.251:11:109-8-1024.49 23.09 23.52
1111BEST RUNNER (B036)K. TeetanA. Lee47119254178.251:11:733-4-1124.25 23.05 24.43
125INVESTOR BOOM (A424)K. C. LeungP. F. Yiu52124299999 1:11:848-11-1224.49 23.37 23.98
Sire:Rebel Raider
Breed of the Winning Horse:CLEAR CHOICE
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 10 24.5
place 10 11.5
8 25
7 77
quinella 8-10 99.5
quinella place 8-10 44
7-10 109
7-8 350
3 pick 1 (Composite Win) A1 15
tierce 10-8-7 2717
trio 7-8-10 787
first 4 6-7-8-10 7048
quartet 10-8-7-6 69668
3rd double (9-10) $597.0
3rd double consulation (9-8) $271.0
1st double trio (7,8,9/7,8,10) $80372.0

Recap by phillip woo

Post-time favourite Clear Choice held off Split Of A Second after rushing to the front 50m out following a handy run for an overdue win following seconds in two of six starts. Racing experience has tightened him up and he does appear to have the tools to head higher. Split Of A Second finished strongly near the outside after settling second from the rear to come home a clear second. He's caught the eye in his past two of five starts and will be winning shortly. Junzi dashed late to grab a placing in a blanket finish for third. He's not easy to get right. Debutant Victory Power finished well along the inside following a patient ride third from the rear to nearly fill a placing. He appears to have a nice future ahead of him. California Aspar was on his tippy toes 100m out after assuming the lead at the 200m from Peace N Prosperity following a pace-stalking run from a tricky gate. He's back in the right grade but isn't genuine.

Racing Incident Report

Race Four: (580) - THE EWO CHALLENGE TROPHY (HANDICAP) - Class 4 - 1200Meters

RAY'S CALL shifted out at the start and bumped CLEAR CHOICE which in turn shifted out and bumped SPLIT OF A SECOND.

MASTER VIKING was slow to begin and then was steadied away from the heels of BEST RUNNER which shifted in.

MASTER VIKING was then ridden along to obtain a more forward position and near the 1150 Metres was awkwardly placed behind BEST RUNNER.

MASTER VIKING subsequently travelled wide and without cover.

From wide barriers, VICTORY POWER and JUNZI were steadied and shifted across behind runners to obtain cover in the early stages.

Passing the 1100 Metres, RAY'S CALL momentarily raced in restricted room between HEARTS KEEPER and CLEAR CHOICE, both of which shifted ground.

For some distance approaching and passing the 900 Metres, BEST RUNNER was awkwardly placed behind PEACE N PROSPERITY (J Moreira) which, after obtaining the lead near the 1000 Metres, was steadied.

J Moreira was reprimanded and warned against the practice of steadying the tempo of races too abruptly.

Near the 900 Metres, HEARTS KEEPER, which was following BEST RUNNER, was awkwardly placed close to the heels of that horse in consequence.

For some distance after the 850 Metres, ALL MY GAIN got its head up when awkwardly placed behind CLEAR CHOICE.

After the 150 Metres, JUNZI raced tight inside RAY'S CALL which shifted in.

Approaching the 100 Metres, HEARTS KEEPER and ALL MY GAIN raced tight.

Over the concluding stages, RAY'S CALL was awkwardly placed outside the heels of JUNZI.

For the majority of the race, INVESTOR BOOM travelled wide and without cover.

M Chadwick, the rider of VICTORY POWER, the 4th placegetter, was spoken to regarding his having a number of glances to his outside when riding that horse out in the Straight.

Whilst the Stewards were satisfied that M Chadwick had properly tested his mount at all stages in the Straight, he was advised that such actions drew unnecessary attention and as such he was warned against this practice.

After the race, Z Purton stated that after beginning awkwardly and losing ground, ALL MY GAIN did not travel strongly throughout the race and after coming under pressure rounding the Home Turn did not finish off the race.

A veterinary inspection of ALL MY GAIN immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

CLEAR CHOICE and SPLIT OF A SECOND were sent for sampling.