Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

9 June 2016 - Happy Valley


Class 4 - 1650M - A
Course: HV Rainy
Going: g
Finish Time: 1:41.6
Sectional Time: 27.43 24.48 25.77 23.95

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
15BALTIC WARRIOR (S237)N. RawillerC. S. Shum541271612121:41.612-11-10-153.03 25.41 23.19
24THE SYLPH (T055)J. MoreiraD. Ferraris571303.12.95N1:41.67-6-7-252.63 25.41 23.65
32VARA PEARL (S138)K. K. ChiongA. T. Millard591259.21270.501:41.76-8-4-352.71 25.17 23.83
48DANEWIN EXPRESS (S234)C. Y. HoA. S. Cruz451168.58.1421:41.910-9-8-452.87 25.37 23.73
56LIGHTNING AND GOLD (P354)C. SchofieldC. H. Yip531265.94.814.501:42.34-4-6-552.35 25.61 24.38
612LAUGHING LORD (T071)K. TeetanC. W. Chang421159.77.6351:42.45-5-3-652.39 25.41 24.62
711BEST JADE TRIUMPH (P070)M. L. YeungA. Lee4311445591051:42.411-12-12-753.19 25.41 23.82
83EXPECTATOR (N284)N. CallanL. Ho57130101425.501:42.58-7-9-852.63 25.61 24.28
99FRANCE VALOUR (S408)K. C. LeungT. P. Yung451169.62586.251:42.63-1-1-951.91 25.77 24.96
1010TELECOM BOOM (V144)H. N. WongY. S. Tsui44110999997.501:42.89-10-11-1052.95 25.49 24.38
111BOSSIEE (S405)Z. PurtonD. Cruz60133119.711131:43.72-2-2-1152.11 25.61 25.99
127FLYING PROSPERITY (V159)C. K. TongW. Y. So521235463622.251:45.11-3-5-1252.11 25.85 27.23
Sire:Holy Roman Emperor
Breed of the Winning Horse:BALTIC WARRIOR
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 5 125.5
place 5 35.5
4 13.5
2 36.5
quinella 4-5 155
quinella place 4-5 63
2-5 189
2-4 77.5
3 pick 1 (Composite Win) A3 29
tierce 5-4-2 4616
trio 2-4-5 620
first 4 2-4-5-8 1357
quartet 5-4-2-8 33260
3rd double (5-5) $1599.0
3rd double consulation (5-4) $57.5
1st double trio (2,5,6/2,4,5) $28882.0

Recap by phillip woo

Baltic Warrior improved to travel second from the rear at the 1,400m after bombing the start from the widest gate, swung the final bend with three wider out and finished willingly to get up 50m out for a first win from 10 outings over this trip. Favourite The Sylph settled one off the fence worse than midfield, rounded the final bend five deep and finished well to make it close on the wire for a fourth runner-up result in a row. Vara Pearl travelled three deep behind midfield, rushed to the front six deep at the 150m and found a couple too smart in the end. Danewin Express made ground down the outside after travelling fourth from the rear to fill a Quartet spot. Lightning And Gold kept eased back to travel one off the fence in fifth, switched outside a tiring Flying Prosperity at the 400m, straightened five deep and was plugging away without menacing. Best Jade Triumph made some ground from the back of the field. Laughing Lord was gone approaching the 100m after hitting the front 250m out following a one-out, one-back run. France Valour went forward to assume the lead 1,000m out, turned for home narrowly on top and was stopping 100m out. Bossiee was struggling 200m out after punching the breeze behind the early leader Flying Prosperity and then France Valour at the 1,000m.

Racing Incident Report

Race Four: (699)-NINEPIN GROUP HANDICAP (Sec1) - Class 4 - 1650Metres

BALTIC WARRIOR stood flat-footed at the start and lost a considerable amount of ground.

Before being allowed to race again, BALTIC WARRIOR will be required to perform satisfactorily in a stalls test.

DANEWIN EXPRESS began awkwardly and then was crowded for room between THE SYLPH and LAUGHING LORD, both of which shifted ground.

TELECOM BOOM was slow to begin.

BALTIC WARRIOR lost its left hind plate after passing the winning post on the first occasion.

Passing the 1300 Metres, EXPECTATOR raced tight inside THE SYLPH which, when proving difficult to settle, was racing tight inside VARA PEARL (Apprentice K K Chiong) which shifted in.

Apprentice Chiong was advised to ensure that she leaves comfortable racing room for runners to her inside in similar circumstances.

FRANCE VALOUR travelled wide and without cover in the early stages and after the 1100 Metres was allowed to improve its position to race in the lead.

After the 1000 Metres, VARA PEARL was left racing wide and without cover.

Passing the 700 Metres, LIGHTNING AND GOLD was awkwardly placed close to the heels of FLYING PROSPERITY.

The performance of FLYING PROSPERITY, which finished tailed out, was considered unacceptable.

Before being allowed to race again, FLYING PROSPERITY will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

After the race, Z Purton (BOSSIEE) stated that he was not able to offer any real excuse for the disappointing performance of the horse.

He said BOSSIEE travelled satisfactorily, however, came under pressure prior to the Home Turn and then was disappointing in the manner in which it weakened in the Straight.

A veterinary inspection of BOSSIEE immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

BALTIC WARRIOR and THE SYLPH were sent for sampling.