Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

1 October 2015 - Sha Tin


Class G3 - 1400M - A+3
Course: ST Cloudy
Going: g
Finish Time: 1:21.1
Sectional Time: 13.53 21.70 22.94 23.00

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
110CONTENTMENT (S391)J. MoreiraJohn Size1071152.1231:21.14-4-4-135.67 22.90 22.60
213GIANT TREASURE (T148)D. WhyteR. Gibson1061166.65.620.501:21.28-5-5-235.79 22.82 22.67
314SUPER LIFELINE (P158)R. FourieA. T. Millard104115485072.501:21.56-6-8-335.83 22.94 22.81
411EXCITING DREAM (P191)K. C. LeungJ. Moore107115181082.501:21.59-11-11-436.27 22.74 22.57
412DIVINE CALLING (S282)C. Y. HoC. Fownes106114108.8122.501:21.52-2-2-435.31 22.90 23.37
61DAN EXCEL (N195)N. RawillerJ. Moore125133415294.251:21.87-9-9-636.07 22.86 22.91
74DOMINANT (N169)C. SchofieldJ. Moore120128599644.751:21.910-14-13-736.55 22.62 22.77
83BEAUTY FLAME (S117)G. MosseA. S. Cruz1201287.69.31051:21.91-1-1-835.23 22.94 23.79
98PACKING LLAREGYB (S109)M. L. YeungA. Schutz1131212751561:22.111-8-6-936.03 22.74 23.35
105REWARDING HERO (N376)N. CallanJ. Moore12012818311371:22.213-10-10-1036.23 22.70 23.34
117HARBOUR MASTER (S145)K. TeetanJ. Moore1171256799117.751:22.412-13-12-1136.55 22.58 23.30
122DUNDONNELL (S110)Z. PurtonR. Gibson1211291110181:22.43-3-3-1235.55 22.90 23.98
139RAINBOW CHIC (P118)C. K. TongC. Fownes1121205399149.501:22.614-12-14-1336.47 22.74 23.48
146DOMINEER (P366)B. PrebbleC. Fownes1171253176610.751:22.85-7-7-1435.87 22.90 24.12
Breed of the Winning Horse:CONTENTMENT
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 10 20
place 10 13
13 19
14 54
quinella 10-13 55
quinella place 10-13 30
10-14 108
13-14 244.5
tierce 10-13-14 1350
trio 10-13-14 490
first 4 10-11-13-14 282
10-12-13-14 306
quartet 10-13-14-11 3079
10-13-14-12 3188
8th double (9-10) $47.5
8th double consulation (9-13) $17.5

Recap by phillip woo

Favourite Contentment held off the late surge of Giant Treasure after hitting the front four deep at the 160m following a one-off run in fourth for a seventh win from 10 starts. Giant Treasure finished well one off the fence from midfield to make it close on the wire. Super Lifeline kept on nicely four from the right following a no-cover run three deep fore of midfield to snatch third from Exciting Dream and Diving Calling. Exciting Dream ran on well after getting too far back fourth from the rear to finish level for a Quartet spot with Divine Calling, who peaked on his run 50m out after assuming the front from Beauty Flame 300m out following a pace-stalking run from a wide gate. Dan Excel made some ground without menacing from beyond midfield. Dominant was running on well from near the back over an unsuitable trip. Beauty Flame worked to lead from a wide gate and was stopping 100m out after cornering narrowly on top. Packing Llaregyb was held up near the inside behind the tiring Beauty Flame.

Racing Incident Report

Race Nine: (073)-THE CELEBRATION CUP (HANDICAP) - Hong Kong Group Three - 1400Metres

On arrival at the Start, DOMINANT had its right front plate refitted.

DOMINANT was examined by the Veterinary Officer who said in his opinion it was suitable to race.

REWARDING HERO began awkwardly and made contact with RAINBOW CHIC.

REWARDING HERO and RAINBOW CHIC were then both taken across behind runners shortly after the start.

DOMINEER shifted out at the start and made contact with SUPER LIFELINE.

Approaching the 1100 Metres, EXCITING DREAM was steadied when crowded for room inside DAN EXCEL (N Rawiller) which, after shifting in, then improved to be racing inside the heels of SUPER LIFELINE.

N Rawiller was severely reprimanded and advised that, in similar circumstances, he must make every endeavour to provide runners to his inside with comfortable racing room.

After shifting out under pressure inside the 300 Metres, BEAUTY FLAME (G Mosse) then shifted back in near the 200 Metres, resulting in PACKING LLAREGYB, which was attempting to improve to the inside of BEAUTY FLAME, being steadied when disappointed for running and shifted out abruptly across the heels of BEAUTY FLAME.

G Mosse was advised that whilst GIANT TREASURE had shifted in in the latter stages of the incident and raced in close quarters with BEAUTY FLAME, nonetheless he should have been alert to the prospect of another runner attempting a run to his inside and should have made more effort to keep his mount straight.

G Mosse was severely reprimanded.

Throughout the race, SUPER LIFELINE travelled wide and without cover.

When questioned regarding the riding tactics adopted on DOMINEER, B Prebble stated that he was under no firm instructions on DOMINEER, but was asked to attempt to have the horse settle near the pace but not necessarily in the lead to assist it in seeing out the 1400 Metre journey.

He said soon after jumping he noticed a number of runners to his inside had begun well and bearing in mind that he had no explicit instructions to lead, he steadied DOMINEER and the horse relaxed well with him which allowed BEAUTY FLAME and DIVINE CALLING to cross into the lead.

He said whilst DOMINEER was initially racing in a three wide position to the outside of CONTENTMENT, he was able to shift in and find cover behind that horse at the 800 Metres.

He added DOMINEER travelled extremely well throughout the middle stages and he expected that the horse would be able to give him a good response in the Straight, however, when taken into clear running, DOMINEER immediately commenced to hang in and then did not stretch out in the Straight and weakened over the concluding stages.

Trainer C Fownes confirmed that after discussions with the connections of DOMINEER, Jockey Prebble was provided with an option of finding cover to assist the horse in seeing out the 1400 Metres of today's race.

When questioned, Z Purton stated that DUNDONNELL assumed a forward position in accordance with the horse's normal racing pattern and travelled quite well throughout the early and middle stages.

He said however that when he brought DUNDONNELL to the outside of the heels of DIVINE CALLING at the entrance to the Straight, it did not let down as he had anticipated and after initially being one-paced then weakened over the concluding stages.

He added that, in his opinion, DUNDONNELL would derive benefit from today's first up run.

A veterinary inspection of DUNDONNELL immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

A veterinary inspection of BEAUTY FLAME immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

CONTENTMENT and GIANT TREASURE were sent for sampling.