Jessica Novia
Jessica Novia
Jessica Novia is a contributor at Goldthread. She was previously a producer at Channel News Asia and Discovery Networks.

For many outsiders, the Chinese love affair with hot water is perplexing – it is one of the most searched questions about Chinese people on Google.


Known as Liuxianren online, he became famous on China’s TikTok for modelling outfits made from tarp, leaves and even an air-conditioner. His videos have given him international attention, landing him a spot at London Fashion Week and a photo shoot in Hong Kong.


Liu Shichao, known as Hebei Pangzai, won over Twitter with videos of himself chugging six beers in under a minute and smashing bricks with his bare hands. How did a man from rural China break through the Great Firewall to become a global internet sensation?

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China society