
China societyi

Latest news, features and opinion on all aspects of society in China, including crime, education, health, culture, technology and tourism, and the impact of the one-child policy, an ageing population and mass internal migration on the country and its people.


Sorry, but there is no crime wave in the country, and young college graduates are not doing so terribly in finding jobs relative to their foreign cohorts.

As China prioritises exports and investments, the country’s stimulus measures have failed to adequately boost meek domestic consumption levels. Unless leaders are willing to adopt radical solutions to boost confidence, consumers will continue to keep their wallets closed.


Pro-business and pro-growth words from China’s president to heads of state-owned firms, private entrepreneurs and investors come ahead of third plenum focusing on economic strategy.

A young Chinese construction worker had a special reason for leaving extra money when he paid his bill in a restaurant – he was inspired by the eatery’s owner.


A man from China who pretended to be a female student at a university in Japan and posted online hate messages against his own country and its citizens has been detained by police on the mainland.

Researchers have estimated the value of China’s economy for the elderly at over US$2 trillion, and the country’s ageing population will only ensure that figure will go up in the coming years.


It’s tagged the ‘run philosophy’ on social media – single women in their thirties with nothing to hope for in China leaving to study in the West, with no intention of returning. Post Magazine talks to some.

A fiscal gulf exists between China’s central and local governments, and it is seen as a hurdle to healthy and sustainable development ahead of the third plenum.


China’s jobless are feeling so ashamed about their status that they are hiding it from family and friends by walking the streets or sitting in cafes during working hours.

Future models ‘react with both movements and speech, significantly enhancing user experience by focusing on emotional connection’, producer says.


China’s executives are embracing dual roles as business leaders and online influencers. Will this approach boost sales, or create a dependency on personal character?

A distraught boy in China, who is grieving for his dead mother, constantly video-calls his aunt to look at her because of the strong family resemblance.


A man in China who wanted to attend a Jay Chou concert in place of his dead sister as a way of honouring her memory was told by a ticketing platform that he could not change the name on the ticket she had bought.

The staging of Gallery Weekend Beijing to coincide with two art fairs shows the ambitions of Beijing’s art scene to restore its global prominence after years of isolation that began with the pandemic.