Write to Win: If you could solve a mystery from history, which would you choose? How could it change our world? (Round 6)

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  • Our readers have some interesting takes on what they would like to delve into from the past
  • Our writing contest starts with 10 students, who are eliminated one at a time based on your votes and YP editors’ picks – who will you choose?
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From cold cases to missing planes, there are many mysteries we still don’t understand. Photo: Shutterstock

Read the responses to this week’s Write to Win prompt, and choose the answer you like most. Based on your votes and YP editors’ picks, we will eliminate one contestant.


The Voynich manuscript, dating back to the 15th century, is an extraordinary book that has left historians scratching their heads. Named after a Polish book dealer named Wilfrid Voynich, the manuscript was written in an unknown language by an unidentified author and possibly originated from the Italian Renaissance period.

Despite some hypotheses claiming it to be from a hoax or a code, its true purpose remains unclear. Although different sources claim that they have successfully cracked the manuscript, the academic community has never officially accepted the idea.

This manuscript could help mankind delve deep into ancient culture, thus gaining a better understanding of classical civilisation. Humans could also uncover valuable knowledge about ancient people’s lifestyles, from habits to medicinal practices. I would like to dissect and analyse the manuscript’s meaning and publish the translated excerpts to benefit future generations.


I would analyse the context that motivated Bosnian revolutionaries to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914. This event started a world war, causing the deaths of millions. Establishing whether another power secretly orchestrated ethnic tensions as a means to a geopolitical end may offer modern decision-makers key insights.

By revealing tactics used historically to destabilise regions and escalate violence, understanding this case might help intelligence agencies and policymakers identify and disrupt similar interventions. It could also show how acts of domestic terrorism are sometimes exacerbated by foreign provocateurs.

With a deeper understanding of how even low-level sparks can be used to ignite catastrophic wars, leaders may acquire a heightened sensitivity toward preventing the opportunistic escalation of ethnic, religious or sociopolitical fault lines. The wisdom gained could prove invaluable for crisis management.


Although 10 years may not seem like a lot to us, each day has been gruelling for the loved ones of the MH370 victims. I would choose to locate this missing plane and provide an explanation to those who have been waiting for the whereabouts of their loved ones for far too long.

Solving “the biggest mystery in modern aviation history” could not only bring closure to the victims’ relatives but also immensely improve aircraft tracking systems. Understanding the cause of the vanished plane could prompt the aviation industry to implement more robust safety measures and promote more detailed safety procedures and protocols.

The disappearance highlighted vulnerabilities in existing tracking systems, especially in places with limited radar coverage. Solving the puzzle could lead to improved tracking systems that incorporate real-time data transmission. The answers can also provide additional information to air traffic controllers, promising the safety of a flight.


The Bermuda Triangle would be a mystery I would like to solve. The region is full of tales of aircraft and ships disappearing under mysterious circumstances.

It all started in the 1800s, and the latest incident occurred in 2015. Many scholars speculate that these incidents happen frequently and are caused by erratic weather conditions and environmental factors. However, I do not believe the environment can be the driving factor behind these incidents.

If this mystery is solved, it will provide us with reasons for all of the past incidents and give the deceased a cause of death. The world will also know how to avoid repeating the same mistakes. By deciphering the facts, people may gain a deeper understanding of the Bermuda Triangle and even discover more mysteries of the Earth.


Did aliens visit humans in the past? I am deeply curious to unravel this mystery. I want to find out whether extraterrestrials have contacted our world before and reopened lines of communication.

If so, we will not just gain technological advancement but also a shift in our long-written culture. Just imagine, even at an existential level, confirming alien visitation in our history would completely recast our views of life, intelligence, and civilisation.

On the other hand, beyond reshaping our understanding of biology and astrophysics, contact with intelligent extraterrestrials promises to enlighten humanity significantly. An outside perspective on matters like the meaning of life, death, or our place in the structure of reality will provide wisdom to help our species reach new levels of awareness.

Making connections with aliens could advance human knowledge. But first, we must dare to question our assumptions and chase down clues left in history to find answers that just may rewrite the destiny of our species.

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