Sick season: how to protect yourself from norovirus, Coronavirus, flu and RSV
Winter is still going strong, making you more vulnerable to illnesses like the flu, Covid-19, norovirus and colds.

Germs that cause miserable illnesses circulate throughout the year, but there is a proven winter surge of flu and colds. Scientists believe this has to do with how much more time we spend inside and cold, dry air weakening our defences.
Let’s learn what these “bugs” are and how they spread. Here are things to know and do to avoid respiratory and stomach viruses.
Do I have the cold, the flu, Covid-19 or something else?
Some symptoms are hard to distinguish among illnesses, especially with respiratory viruses. Others are unmistakable.
Norovirus is a food-borne illness that can spread through water and contaminated surfaces. It can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, nausea and stomach pain for about one to three days.
Several different types of viruses can cause the common cold. It usually comes with a runny nose, congestion, cough, sneezing, sore throat, headaches, body aches or low fever for less than a week.
The flu, caused by always-changing influenza viruses, leads to fever, chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, headaches and tiredness. Flu symptoms tend to hit more quickly than cold symptoms, lasting anywhere from a few days to two weeks.
Covid-19 can cause fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, congestion, loss of smell or taste, fatigue, aches, headache, nausea or vomiting for several days.
RSV can cause a runny nose, congestion, coughing, sneezing, wheezing, fever and a loss of appetite for a week or two.
Wash your hands
Seriously. Rigorous and frequent handwashing – with soap! – is crucial to reduce the spread of norovirus, colds, flu and Covid-19.
This is especially true after using the bathroom and eating or preparing food. Don’t speed through it. Count to 20, slowly, while you scrub away.
If you don’t have access to soap and water, try a hand sanitiser with at least 60 per cent alcohol – although that isn’t enough to wipe out norovirus.
If norovirus has found you, immediately clean surfaces that came in contact with contaminated food or bodily fluids. The United States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends disinfecting things with a chlorine bleach solution or one of the products listed on this United States Environmental Protection Agency webpage.
Wash any clothing that came in contact with vomit or faeces with hot water and detergent. Then, wash your hands. Again.
With colds and flu, it’s best to clean surfaces you come into contact with regularly. Think doorknobs, light switches, counters, beloved toys and cellphones.
Use household cleaning products that contain soap or detergent, and follow it up with a sanitiser. The CDC has some more cleaning tips here.
Covid-19 generally spreads through the air from droplets and particles, and the CDC says the risk of getting the virus from a contaminated surface is low.
Keep your hands off your face
Viruses can spread through talking, coughing and sneezing, so cover your mouth with a tissue if you feel a tickle in your throat or nose. Then, wash your hands. Again.
Also, even if you’re not sick, consider masking in crowded areas with an N95 or medical-grade mask to protect yourself from respiratory viruses.
Don’t touch your face. If you have a germ or virus on your unwashed hands – respiratory or norovirus – and touch your face, eyes or nose, it can get into your mucus membranes, and before you know it, you’re sick!
Most Hongkongers at high risk of illness from Covid-19 behind on booster jabs
Consider a vaccine (if there is one)
In Hong Kong, updated Covid-19 vaccines are available to book here, and seasonal influenza jab options are available to view here. There is no vaccine for norovirus or the common cold.
Your immune system may not work as well if you’re sleep-deprived, stressed out or dehydrated. Don’t grind yourself into the ground. Rest. Sleep. Drink water.
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If you are sick, stay at home
If you’re symptomatic, stay home to keep others from getting sick.
To treat a cold, flu or Covid-19, rest and drink fluids. You can take pain relievers to lower a fever or help with an achy body. Humidifiers can help with symptoms, too.
There’s no medication for norovirus. Instead, rehydrate as much as possible with water and other liquids. Seek help if you are dehydrated, notice a dry mouth and throat, are not urinating as much or feel dizzy when standing up.