Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

19 November 2017 - Sha Tin


Class 5 - 1650M - All Weather Track
Course: ST Sunny
Going: g
Finish Time: 1.39.19
Sectional Time: 27.96 23.40 23.21 24.62

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
16DOUBLE POINT (S246)N. RawillerC. Fownes311237.21111:39:199-10-8-152.28 23.25 23.66
21BEST EFFORT (T220)M. L. YeungA. Lee391298.27.222.751:39:627-7-6-251.96 23.45 24.21
314WINNINGLI (V377)J. MoreiraA. S. Cruz2611833.3114 1:39:801-2-1-351.40 23.17 25.23
411FURIOUS PEGASUS (S441)C. SchofieldF. C. Lor291216385.751:40:098-6-7-451.92 23.53 24.64
513RAINBOW GOLD (T237)M. ChadwickL. Ho27119233556.251:40:193-4-4-551.68 23.65 24.86
64GOLDEN PARTNERS (S286)B. PrebbleM. Freedman34126252766.751:40:2814-13-11-652.68 23.45 24.15
77DYNAMIC LIONS (A122)S. ClippertonW. Y. So3112398.437 1:40:314-8-9-752.04 23.57 24.70
82HAPPY BEAUTY (V375)H. T. MoK. W. Lui371222135107.251:40:3313-14-14-852.92 23.89 23.52
98EQUITY DOCTRINE (T329)O. DoleuzeC. W. Chang3112320271310 1:40:785-1-2-951.36 23.53 25.89
105OWNERS' DELIGHT (A335)A. BadelC. S. Shum331252536412.51:41:186-3-3-1051.56 23.57 26.05
113RIVERSIDE BIRD (A198)C. Y. HoR. Gibson371275799917.51:42:0012-12-13-1152.60 23.89 25.51
1212SOCCER BRAVE (T233)N. CallanD. Ferraris291212025720.251:42:422-5-5-1251.72 23.65 27.05
139EXPONENTS (A031)W. M. LaiY. S. Tsui3112332501222.51:42:7711-11-12-1352.56 23.85 26.36
1410LIGHTNING AND GOLD (P354)Z. PurtonC. H. Yip3012231561434.51:44:7010-9-10-1452.20 23.69 28.81
Breed of the Winning Horse:DOUBLE POINT
Dam:Up On Points
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 6 111.5
place 6 26.5
1 21
14 16.5
quinella 1-6 359.5
quinella place 1-6 102
6-14 70.5
1-14 42.5
3 pick 1 (Composite Win) A2 29
tierce 6-1-14 2576
trio 1-6-14 301
first 4 1-6-11-14 200
quartet 6-1-14-11 6883

Recap by phillip woo

Double Point looked a class above them with a sweeping move after travelling behind

Racing Incident Report

OWNERS' DELIGHT was slow to begin.

RIVERSIDE BIRD began awkwardly and lost ground and after this was shifted across behind runners.

Shortly after the start, GOLDEN PARTNERS and SOCCER BRAVE bumped.

From the outside barrier, LIGHTNING AND GOLD was steadied in the early stages and shifted across behind runners to obtain cover.

Despite being hard ridden in the early stages, HAPPY BEAUTY failed to muster speed.

Approaching the 1400 Metres, RAINBOW GOLD was momentarily awkwardly placed inside the heels of SOCCER BRAVE.

At the 1400 Metres, HAPPY BEAUTY was eased when racing in restricted room between EXPONENTS and OWNERS' DELIGHT.

Passing the 1300 Metres, FURIOUS PEGASUS was checked and lost ground when crowded for room between EQUITY DOCTRINE which shifted in marginally and OWNERS' DELIGHT which got its head on the side and shifted out when awkwardly placed close to the heels of RAINBOW GOLD when proving difficult to settle.

A short distance later, EXPONENTS was severely checked when crowded for room between LIGHTNING AND GOLD which improved quickly to be racing to the inside of EXPONENTS and FURIOUS PEGASUS (C Schofield) which shifted in marginally after losing its position between OWNERS' DELIGHT and EQUITY DOCTRINE.

As the Stewards were satisfied that there were a number of circumstances which led to EXPONENTS being badly checked, no further action was taken other than C Schofield was reprimanded and advised that whilst he had a short distance prior been the subject of some interference, nonetheless he has a responsibility to ensure that he makes every endeavour to prevent his mounts from shifting ground and causing interference to other runners.

Passing the 1200 Metres, DYNAMIC LIONS got its head up when awkwardly close to the heels of SOCCER BRAVE which was being steadied to allow WINNINGLI to cross.

BEST EFFORT, which was following DYNAMIC LIONS, was inconvenienced.

Passing the 1000 Metres, RAINBOW GOLD, which was travelling keenly, was awkwardly placed inside the heels of EQUITY DOCTRINE (O Doleuze) which shifted in.

O Doleuze was advised to ensure that he is properly clear when shifting ground.

After the 800 Metres, OWNERS' DELIGHT was left racing wide and without cover.

Making the turn near the 700 Metres, SOCCER BRAVE got its head on the side, lay in and brushed the running rail.

Also making the turn near the 700 Metres, DYNAMIC LIONS was momentarily hampered when racing tight inside BEST EFFORT which got its head on the side and lay in.

Passing the 500 Metres, BEST EFFORT and FURIOUS PEGASUS raced tight as both horses improved into tight running between SOCCER BRAVE and RAINBOW GOLD.

Approaching the 250 Metres, FURIOUS PEGASUS was crowded for room between OWNERS' DELIGHT which initially shifted out when giving ground and then RAINBOW GOLD which shifted in when racing inside DOUBLE POINT.

Approaching the 200 Metres, FURIOUS PEGASUS was then shifted to the outside of RAINBOW GOLD to obtain clear running.

Passing the 50 Metres, HAPPY BEAUTY was directed out away from the heels of GOLDEN PARTNERS.

Apprentice H T Mo reported that HAPPY BEAUTY was inclined to hang out approaching and rounding the Home Turn.

The performances of EXPONENTS, LIGHTNING AND GOLD and SOCCER BRAVE which finished tailed out, were considered unacceptable.

Before being allowed to race again, EXPONENTS, LIGHTNING AND GOLD and SOCCER BRAVE will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

When questioned, O Doleuze (EQUITY DOCTRINE) stated that after taking some time to improve around RAINBOW GOLD, he was able to shift across to race beside WINNINGLI.

He said at this time the race was being run at a good tempo and it appeared as though the rider of WINNINGLI, which was leading the race, was looking to steady his mount and he considered going forward of WINNINGLI should that horse continue to be steadied by its rider.

He said as he improved to be racing directly to the outside of WINNINGLI, that horse was then ridden along to maintain its position and when this happened, EQUITY DOCTRINE immediately came under pressure and subsequently gave ground for the remainder of the race.

After the race, the Veterinary Surgeon reported that DYNAMIC LIONS had sustained minor wounds to both hind legs.

A veterinary inspection of OWNERS' DELIGHT immediately following the race did not show any significant findings, however, the horse was unable to be scoped due to being fractious.

A veterinary inspection of LIGHTNING AND GOLD and SOCCER BRAVE immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.