Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

17 February 2016 - Happy Valley


Class 3 - 1200M - B
Course: HV Rainy
Going: g
Finish Time: 1:10.9
Sectional Time: 23.95 23.87 23.14

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
12E-SUPER (T010)R. MooreK. L. Man731293.32.641:10.94-4-124.31 23.83 22.82
212RED KYLIN (T052)S. De SousaP. F. Yiu611176.96.3111:11.13-3-224.19 23.91 23.01
39TIMELY ARRIVED (S431)M. ChadwickY. S. Tsui661226.34.131.251:11.15-5-324.39 23.91 22.86
48SWEET HOME (T347)N. RawillerD. Hall671236999121.751:11.29-10-425.07 23.71 22.46
511FORTUNE BO BO (V017)B. PrebbleT. P. Yung651217.47.322.501:11.31-1-523.95 23.87 23.54
67HONG KONG DANCER (N399)Y. T. ChengL. Ho681248.832102.751:11.37-7-624.67 23.87 22.85
71LANG TAI SING (S280)C. SchofieldR. Gibson771331227531:11.46-6-724.59 23.79 23.05
810COUR VALANT (P190)J. MoreiraC. H. Yip651219.710113.251:11.48-8-824.83 23.75 22.88
93BUDDY BUNDY (T157)K. TeetanD. Cruz71127211973.501:11.52-2-924.07 23.83 23.62
104BREEDERS' STAR (V197)G. MosseD. Ferraris70126559994.251:11.611-9-1025.39 23.39 22.84
116FOREVER POSH (V072)K. C. NgA. S. Cruz68119191768.251:12.210-11-1125.23 23.87 23.17
WD5HIDDEN VALUE (S126)C. Y. HoC. Fownes7012423----
Sire:Time Thief
Breed of the Winning Horse:E-SUPER
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 2 26
place 2 13
12 20
9 14
quinella 2-12 82.5
quinella place 2-12 37.5
2-9 19.5
9-12 41.5
3 pick 1 (Composite Win) A1 16
tierce 2-12-9 356
trio 2-9-12 87
first 4 2-8-9-12 2482
quartet 2-12-9-8 23591
6th double (3-2) $132.0
6th double consulation (3-12) $42.0
2nd double trio (1,3,6/2,9,12) $107546.0

Recap by phillip woo

Favourite E-Super settled one-out, one-back, rounded the final bend five deep, swept to a narrow lead from Red Kylin at the 100m out and just out-battled that one for a second straight win over this Valley trip. Red Kylin had his chance following a box-seat run and just found one just too good in the end. Well-punted late, Timely Arrived ran on well for a placing after travelling one off the fence in midfield despite a rise in class. Sweet Home finished nicely four deep after travelling third from the rear from a wide gate to inject some value into the Quartet in a much-improved run with a move to the hood. Fortune Bo Bo cornered a half-length on top after having his own way on the front and knocked up 100m out. Hong Kong Dancer made some ground without menacing along the inside following a rails run worse than midfield. Cour Valant made some ground without menacing two from the right after travelling one off the fence beyond midfield. Bundy Bundy loomed a chance 200m out after stalking the speed and was stopping 100m out. Specked late, Forever Posh was a non-factor after missing the kick. Hidden Value was withdrawn prior to the start.

Racing Incident Report

Race Seven: (414)-THE VOLUNTEERS' CHALLENGE CUP (HANDICAP) - Class 3 - 1200Metres

At declaration time, B Prebble was declared as the rider of both LANG TAI SING and FORTUNE BO BO.

It was established that B Prebble had a firm commitment to ride FORTUNE BO BO.

As such, the Stewards permitted C Schofield to be substituted as the rider of LANG TAI SING.

For this declaration error, B Prebble was fined $2,000.

HIDDEN VALUE was withdrawn by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice after the Veterinary Officer reported that the horse was lame in its right front leg on arrival at the Start.

Before being allowed to race again, HIDDEN VALUE will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

FOREVER POSH began only fairly.

TIMELY ARRIVED and E-SUPER (R Moore) bumped on jumping, resulting in both horses becoming unbalanced.

A short distance after the start, TIMELY ARRIVED was crowded for room between E-SUPER which shifted in and FORTUNE BO BO which shifted out after being bumped by RED KYLIN.

R Moore was advised to ensure that he makes every endeavour to prevent his mounts from shifting ground and causing interference to other runners.

BREEDERS' STAR was steadied in the early stages and shifted across behind runners.

Also from the outside barrier, SWEET HOME was steadied in the early stages and shifted across to obtain cover.

Making the first turn approaching the 1000 Metres, COUR VALANT got its head on the side and lay out.

At the 250 Metres, RED KYLIN was shifted in abruptly across the heels of FORTUNE BO BO after being disappointed for running between that horse and BUDDY BUNDY.

Passing the 100 Metres, TIMELY ARRIVED was shifted to the outside of E-SUPER when disappointed for running between that horse and BUDDY BUNDY which shifted out when commencing to give ground.

A veterinary inspection of BUDDY BUNDY and FOREVER POSH immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

E-SUPER and RED KYLIN were sent for sampling.