Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

26 April 2015 - Sha Tin


Class G2 - 1200M - A
Course: ST Cloudy
Going: g/f
Finish Time: 1:08.3
Sectional Time: 23.45 22.12 22.80

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
15DUNDONNELL (S110)S. PasquierR. Gibson115123331431:08.34-3-123.61 22.20 22.56
21GOLD-FUN (P045)O. PeslierR. Gibson1301283.13.271.251:08.52-1-223.45 22.12 23.01
38SMART VOLATILITY (P049)Y. T. ChengK. W. Lui1131232547821:08.73-4-323.53 22.36 22.82
43PENIAPHOBIA (S143)D. WhyteA. S. Cruz1231284.44.6931:08.81-2-423.45 22.28 23.14
59TOUR DE FORCE (N297)O. DoleuzeJohn Size110123343013.251:08.95-6-523.77 22.24 22.89
67FREDERICK ENGELS (N187)N. RawillerJ. Moore113123216753.751:08.98-7-624.01 22.04 22.90
74CHARLES THE GREAT (N171)T. BerryJ. Moore1171233.63.623.751:08.910-10-724.13 22.12 22.74
810TEOFILO CALVA (N404)K. TeetanJohn Size105123116.844.501:09.16-5-823.77 22.20 23.13
92LUCKY NINE (L259)B. PrebbleC. Fownes1241281214671:09.47-9-923.97 22.16 23.35
106GOLDEN HARVEST (N236)J. MoreiraA. T. Millard1151231216109.501:09.99-8-1024.01 22.08 23.81
Sire:First Defence
Breed of the Winning Horse:DUNDONNELL
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 5 146
place 5 39
1 14
8 83
quinella 1-5 271
quinella place 1-5 86
5-8 584
1-8 172.5
tierce 5-1-8 14626
trio 1-5-8 2221
first 4 1-3-5-8 1466
quartet 5-1-8-3 55956
6th double (3-5) $370.5
6th double consulation (3-1) $10.5
2nd double trio (1,14>3,4/1,5,8) $310104.0

Recap by phillip woo

Plunged late, Dundonnell jumped well to settle in the box seat behind the leader Gold-Fun, pushed off that one's heels at the 300m and reeled that one in 100m out for a first Group success. Gold-Fun emerged the leader from Peniaphobia at the 800m, cornered a length on top and grudgingly gave way. Smart Volatility eased back to settled one off in fourth after failing to go with the leaders early on, swung the final bend with two wider out and wore down Peniaphobia 120m out for a placing. Peniaphobia couldn't keep up the gallop over the final 150m after settling second in the run after vying for the early lead. Tour De Force settled midfield along the rails, stayed to the inside upon straightening and just failed to get up for a Quartet spot. Frederick Engels made some ground without menacing with one wider out after making his run third from the rear. Charles The Great made his run at the tail of the field after a slow break and never did gain a clear run until the 150m. He had excuses. Teofilo Calva settled one off the rails in midfield and only held his ground when asked for a response. Lucky Nine never ran on after a deep run without cover beyond midfield. Golden Harvest travelled second from the rear and lost every chance when getting badly hampered at the 200m.

Racing Incident Report

Race Seven: (567)-THE SPRINT CUP - Hong Kong Group Two - 1200Metres

On arrival at the Start, it was noted that PENIAPHOBIA had lost its left front plate which required the horse being replated.

PENIAPHOBIA was examined by the Veterinary Officer who said the horse was suitable to race.

This resulted in a delay to the start of the race.

CHARLES THE GREAT was slow to begin.

Shortly after the start, GOLD-FUN became unbalanced after being bumped by LUCKY NINE which was taken out by FREDERICK ENGELS.

From the outside barrier, GOLDEN HARVEST was shifted across behind runners in the early stages.

Near the 1100 Metres, LUCKY NINE lost ground when crowded for room between FREDERICK ENGELS and GOLD-FUN (O Peslier) which got its head on the side and lay in.

O Peslier was severely reprimanded and advised that in similar circumstances he would be expected to make every endeavour to prevent his mounts from shifting ground and causing interference to other runners.

After the 800 Metres, LUCKY NINE was left racing wide and without cover.

Approaching the 200 Metres, N Rawiller (FREDERICK ENGELS) dropped his whip.

Near the 200 Metres, GOLDEN HARVEST was checked when crowded for room between TEOFILO CALVA (K Teetan) and FREDERICK ENGELS (N Rawiller), both of which shifted a minimal amount of ground.

Having regard to the relatively minor shifts from both horses, the Stewards took no further action other than to advise K Teetan and N Rawiller to do their utmost to keep their mounts on a straight course in similar circumstances.

CHARLES THE GREAT was unable to obtain clear running until near the 200 Metres and then near the 150 Metres was shifted out away from the heels of TEOFILO CALVA.

A veterinary inspection of TEOFILO CALVA immediately following the race revealed that the horse was displaying an irregular heart rhythm and had bled from both nostrils.

Before being allowed to race again, TEOFILO CALVA will be required to perform satisfactorily in an official barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

A veterinary inspection of LUCKY NINE and GOLDEN HARVEST immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

DUNDONNELL and GOLD-FUN were sent for sampling.