
Instead of just giving money to charities this year Pacific Place gave their beneficiaries precious memories as well

  • Beneficiaries from seven charities got to take pictures with an augmented reality Santa Claus
  • The event, which saw participants join the Reindeer Flight Academy, was part of mall’s collaboration with Operation Santa Claus

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Operation Santa Claus beneficiaries with Mark Celenk (centre), general manager of Pacific Place. Photo: K. Y. Cheng

Stepping into Pacific Place’s Santa Hall, a colourfully decorated house in the middle of the shopping centre in Hong Kong’s Admiralty area, domestic helper Richelda Quilanan and three other migrant women said they had not known what to expect.


They were in for a treat. Inside what looked like Santa’s mailroom, an augmented reality (AR) Santa Claus magically appeared on a screen and sat right next to the four women seated on a sofa.

The women smiled as they posed for photos with Santa.


“I’ve never taken a picture with Santa before. It was wonderful. I feel so happy,” Quilanan said, beaming with joy as she explained that Santa could only be seen in big cities, not the rural area where she lived, in the Philippines.

Members of the Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge with Celenk. Photo: K. Y. Cheng
Members of the Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge with Celenk. Photo: K. Y. Cheng