
11 great new vegan restaurants and menus in Hong Kong this February

Verde Mar’s Omnipork tacos are just one of the great new vegetarian offerings available.
Verde Mar’s Omnipork tacos are just one of the great new vegetarian offerings available.

JOMO Coffee & Cakes, Veda, Verde Mar and Nuttea are just a few of the new eateries delighting meat-eaters and vegetarians alike

JOMO Coffee & Cakes


JOMO Coffee & Cakes is a new coffee shop with a dedicated vegan cake menu in Sai Ying Pun, in Western District, on Hong Kong Island.


At weekends it’s almost impossible to get a seat (to be fair they have only about 10) and you will be waiting in line with hipster Hong Kong’s finest to taste its dairy-free and egg-free creations (our fave is the raw cacao tart).

Get there as early as you can: by 3pm it has often sold out of most of its vegan fare.

4 Water Street, Sai Ying Pun, Western District

Old Bailey


We are a little late with this one, but it’s worth noting that the (fairly new) Old Bailey at Tai Kwun, which specialises in Jiangnan cuisine, has a vegan menu that everyone raves about. Go get your herbivore dumpling fill.

Grab some Instagram-worthy selfies while you are it as the space is really gorgeous.