
4 ways to make your weight training goals a reality

There are underlying principles that can be implemented to get the most out of your gym visits. Photo: Victor Freitas
There are underlying principles that can be implemented to get the most out of your gym visits. Photo: Victor Freitas

Ultimate Performance personal trainer Matthew Leeb shares the tools you need to pursue the optimal routine

Let us face it, most people trying to get into shape have little idea what they are doing in the gym. Survey any commercial gym and you will find individuals who have been spinning their wheels without much to show for it.

Now, while there is no such thing as a perfect training plan, there are underlying principles that can be implemented to get the most out of your gym visits.

Have a goal and track your progress

Training acts as a stressor on the body to elicit an adaptation.
Training acts as a stressor on the body to elicit an adaptation.

The first step toward optimising your training is to be clear about what you are trying to achieve.

Many people go to the gym with no plan at all and this randomness completely undermines a primary principle of strength improvement which is progressive overload.

To make improvements, you must consistently deliver a sequentially more challenging stimulus.

Think of each visit to the gym as a chance to beat your previous best, and unless you have a wonderful memory, it is unlikely that you will be able to recall the weights you lifted previously.

Using a training journal to record your workouts will allow you to track improvements and give you further accountability.