
How your blood type can guide your coronavirus workout – Hailey Bieber is a believer

Hailey Bieber follows the blood type diet, can it affect how you work out too? Photo: handout

There’s nothing like a global pandemic to make you think about health – and undoubtedly, that’s what most of us are doing, whether it’s worrying that the symptoms of seasonal hay fever are actually early signs of Covid-19 infection, or debating the validity of blood type theories relating the likelihood and severity of contraction.

It’s not the first time that society has pondered the effects of blood type on health. Whether you subscribe to it or not, most of us have heard of the blood type diet. The DNA tests that are so popular these days suggest that your genetic building blocks predetermine the type of exercise that is most effective for your body – so it follows that the type of blood that runs through your veins, which is genetically inherited, will affect your exercise regime. In fact, you can probably use your blood type as a short cut to figuring out your optimum workout plan without having to pay for a pricey test. Read on for suggestions on workouts that will most benefit your constitution.

Blood type O

HIIT training is good for type O blood. Photo: Handout

Blood type O is the most common of all the types, and thrives on a protein-high, caveman-style diet while engaging in high-intensity exercise. In fact, those with this blood type can go so far as to crave exercise to maintain emotional well-being. Because those with this genetic make-up most resemble the hunter-gatherers of yore, their bodies are designed to work for their food – in lieu of chasing down lions and tigers, they should opt for endurance exercises: HIIT, spinning, running, CrossFit, boxing or martial arts and weight training are all excellent options.

Blood type A

Blood type A should opt for activities with a meditative element like yoga. Photo: The Farm at San Benito

With preliminary reports suggesting those with blood type A could be more susceptible to coronavirus, stress levels must have risen somewhat among this group, which is unfortunate because these people are also the most sensitive to stress. In fact, those with blood type A would do well to avoid exercise types that strain the body too much, opting instead of activities like yoga, Pilates, isometric workouts or anything that combines a meditative element with movement.

Blood type B

Low impact exercises suit people who are blood type B. Photo: Chiva Som

People whose blood type is B aren’t so motivated by the actual workout so much as the social energy that comes with exercising in a group – but they also are best suited for forms of exercise in which you will break a sweat, but not be completely smashed. Low-impact group classes are perfect for this group, but in these times of social-distancing, this may not be practical. Instead, think of hiking or cycling with a housemate, or even trying out the newfangled Zoom workouts being hosted by fitness studios that are all the rage now, which transmit the same vibe without the actual proximity.

Blood type AB

People of AB blood type should switch between low impact and meditative activities. Photo: Ultima Collection

If your blood type is AB, your workout style is going to be a little mercurial, so one day you might prefer something a bit more active, and the next you prefer no more exertion than a little Yin yoga. But as your blood contains components of both A- and B-type, you’re more likely to sway between their tendencies. Incorporating a mix of different low-intensity cardio and strength-training activities will keep things interesting without overexerting muscles and joints, but workouts that implement meditative elements, such as tai chi, are also useful for stress release.

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Use your blood type to figure out the most effective exercise routine to stay fit and focused during the coming weeks of lockdown – from home yoga for type A to Zoom workouts for type B and tai chi for AB