
What’s new: vegan restaurant openings, menus and offerings for meat-free lovers in Hong Kong

Plant-based food company Green Common has launched its ‘shop within a shop’ vegan counter at TASTE supermarket in Festival Walk, in Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
Plant-based food company Green Common has launched its ‘shop within a shop’ vegan counter at TASTE supermarket in Festival Walk, in Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.

Sha Tin 18’s winning Lunar New Year Omnipork menu goes all-year-round, Tai Tai Pie Pies bakes vegan offerings and Central cafe and bar offer dairy-free gelato

Hong Kong has become such an exciting destination for hungry herbivores of late, with new restaurant openings and menu launches happening weekly.

Check out the latest happenings surrounding plant-based dining.

All-year-round menu

Vegan minced Omnipork served with glass noodles is one of the Lunar New Year dishes that has become a permanent fixture on the menu at Sha Tin 18.
Vegan minced Omnipork served with glass noodles is one of the Lunar New Year dishes that has become a permanent fixture on the menu at Sha Tin 18.

Sha Tin 18 created a celebratory Lunar New Year menu based around a vegan minced pork alternative, Omnipork, this year.

The dishes, such as wok-fried plant-based meat, glass noodles, coriander and soy sauce, stir-fried plant-based meat, cucumber, preserved olive paste and plant-based meat dumplings with Sichuan chilli proved so popular that they are now a permanent fixture on the menu.

Sha Tin 18, Hyatt Regency Sha Tin, 4/F, 18 Chak Cheung Street, Ma Liu Shui, Sha Tin

Vegan pie offerings

Tai Tai Pie Pies’ Omnipork Italian Sausage Roll is one of two new offerings made from meat alternatives.
Tai Tai Pie Pies’ Omnipork Italian Sausage Roll is one of two new offerings made from meat alternatives.

Pie maker Tai Tai Pie Pies has teamed up with meat alternative company Beyond Meat and Omnipork to offer two new vegan pies at its Pie Counter at the GREAT Food Hall in Pacific Place, Admiralty.