
Marathon man’s top 10 picks of the world’s most stunning running routes

The Fujisan Marathon is one of many overseas marathons set amid stunning scenery.
The Fujisan Marathon is one of many overseas marathons set amid stunning scenery.

With more Hongkongers travelling abroad to take part in these challenging 42.2km events, marathon enthusiast Mike Cartwright picks out races that offer the most spectacular scenic backdrops in the world

The Hong Kong Marathon is over, but for many runners the marathon season never ends. Overseas marathons are attracting an increasing number of Hongkongers. The Osaka Marathon, for instance, has been attracting some 1,500 runners from Hong Kong each year for the past few years, and runners from Hong Kong can be found taking part in marathons in every corner of the world.

When it comes to overseas marathons, not many runners can claim to share the same level of enthusiasm  as Mike Cartwright, 59, a retired police officer who has completed 167 full marathons (42.2km) – 89 different ones – in 25 countries since his  debut in Beijing in October 2006.

Retired police officer Mike Cartwright, 59, has completed 167 full marathons in 25 countries since Beijing in October 2006.
Retired police officer Mike Cartwright, 59, has completed 167 full marathons in 25 countries since Beijing in October 2006.

“I join overseas marathons mainly to challenge myself, meet different people, and mix with local runners. For me, the key attraction of overseas marathons is the organisation and support from local people ... even on non-racing days the locals appreciate marathon runners from overseas and show support to us,” says Cartwright.

But for many runners, the opportunity to explore a foreign land on foot and enjoy the sights and sounds along the course is a key attraction to joining an overseas race. 

Of all the marathons Cartwright has taken part in, he identifies 10 which stand out as offering the best views of the city or the area in which they are held. He also includes his observations about each of these races.

Fujisan Marathon, Japan 

This is a scenic run around Lake Kawaguchi, with views of Mount Fuji as you run. 

Fujisan Marathon, with Mount Fuji in the background
Fujisan Marathon, with Mount Fuji in the background

The race is well organised, but because of the small population living around the lake area, don’t expect to see the same numbers of supporters as you would see on most Japanese marathons. It can be very cold when this run takes place, and there is at least one challenging hill at about 22km. The villages around Kawaguchi are very quaint and are worth visiting after the race.