Nick Yang

Nick Yang

Intern, China
Nick Yang is an undergraduate student at Hong Kong Baptist University, and currently a summer intern at the Post.

The customs service says it has streamlined the health declaration process for those entering and leaving the country, but stressed it had not eased controls.


Heavy rains swept across parts of Sichuan, which has been suffering from a prolonged drought as a result of the worst heatwave in 6 decades.


So far, 20 people have been rescued as Datong county in Qinghai province issues level 2 alarm in response to torrential rain that began on Wednesday.


A week into her new job, He Yuxiu says she was fired after being asked by the principal if she had ever had the coronavirus. Many others in China say they have also been shunned after being infected.


Executive meeting of the State Council told more extreme weather predicted and everything must be done to ensure ‘safety of people’s lives and property’.


More than 400 fire and rescue personnel and 47 rescue vehicles were sent to the scene of the explosion in the Lanzhou company’s sewage treatment workshop.


Bank customers whose deposits are frozen unable to join protests in Zhengzhou because their health QR codes turned red, declaring them a risk to public health.
