Mark Magnier
Mark Magnier
New York
US Deputy Bureau Chief
Before joining the Post in Washington, Mark worked in China, India and Japan for the Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times and was a Knight-Wallace journalism fellow. He’s covered economic, social and political issues throughout Asia and conflicts in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq, including weeks spent camping under Saddam Hussein’s bridges.

The US vice-president, tapped by Joe Biden to replace him as Democratic nominee, must secure support of rivals while taking control of party apparatus.


Poor debate performance brought pressure on 81-year-old to step aside; uncertainty surrounds China policy of next Democratic Party standard-bearer.


‘The concept of peaceful coexistence is very laudable as a long-term aspirational goal. But I think it’s a bridge too far in today’s environment,’ one expert concludes.


At a meeting in Taipei, US officials reaffirm support for Taiwan’s ‘valuable expertise’ in addressing ‘urgent challenges’, as China sends 66 warplanes into the airspace around island.

‘There are necessary opportunities for collaboration,’ Elizabeth Allen, the department’s undersecretary for public diplomacy, says, while conceding the prospect for disruption remains huge.


Studies show compulsive gambling tends to affect 2.5 to 4 per cent of the adult Chinese population, compared to around 1 per cent for Western counterparts.


The 2024 presidential campaign has entered unprecedented territory after Donald Trump became the first former US president convicted of a crime.


Trade between China and Russia surged to a record US$240 billion in 2023, an increase of more than 64 per cent since 2021, before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


Call for preserving status quo goes out after Beijing launches exercises surrounding self-governed island following William Lai’s inauguration speech.


A comedy festival in New York encouraged Asians to gather, vent and celebrate, after hate incidents increased during the pandemic. To the festival’s 50 or so comics, making irreverent light of sensitive topics is a way of coming to terms with everyday indignities.

As Taipei prepares to inaugurate William Lai as its new leader, his ‘force of nature’ second-in-command has Beijing concerned about her sway in Washington.


A California town notorious for a history of racism and exclusion now has one of the highest Asian populations in the US state. The Tu family, who moved to San Leandro in 1960, helped it happen.

Now facing deportation, Qin Hui decried for ‘brazen flouting’ in case said to involve campaign contributions to New York city mayor and US congressman.


China’s art market remains far larger and more extensive than India’s, but the Indian results highlight the country’s growing wealth and confidence.

Trip would be the long-time leader’s first abroad since his re-election, amid Western claims that China is propping up Russia’s war effort in Ukraine.
