Hadi Azmi
Hadi Azmi
Hadi Azmi is the Post's Malaysia Correspondent. Based in Kuala Lumpur, he covers Malaysian politics and current affairs. He has written for Bloomberg, The New York Times, and CNN.

Malaysia has been carefully navigating the complex geopolitical realities conjured by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with a stated foreign policy position of being “everyone’s friend”.

Malaysia has been in the spotlight for months over allegations that forced labour, debt bondage and scam jobs have riddled its recruitment market for foreign labour.


Toshi Yoshihara, an American expert who’s set to brief Malaysia’s armed forces on China’s military, said prioritising short-term trade benefits over addressing the territorial conflict could cost Kuala Lumpur dearly in the long run.


The ‘Jungle Train’ service, which runs along the spine of Peninsular Malaysia, is the country’s last sleeper train as cars and buses drive speed of travel.

Malaysia is “playing a dangerous game” as US attention over alleged illicit money flows is often a precursor to harsh measures if remediation is not quick and clear, analysts say.


Nurul Izzah Anwar says social media is a key driver behind the societal shift, which has seen the conservative ‘green wave’ sway voters and split the country.

The concerns come as a US delegation in Kuala Lumpur holds talks with officials over Tehran’s alleged underhanded selling of oil through service providers.


Malaysia has been accused by the West of helping Tehran evade sanctions through the supply of Iranian oil to China via a “dark fleet” in its waters.
