Bibek Bhandari
Bibek Bhandari
SCMP Contributor
Bibek is a journalist based in Kathmandu, Nepal. He has reported from China, India, Nepal and elsewhere.

Despite granting sexual minorities equal protection in the constitution, some rights advocates claim Nepal’s queer movement is not entirely inclusive.


Thousands of tonnes of waste have been left on the world’s highest mountain over the years. Some working on the clean-up say the only way to stop more piling up is putting curbs on expeditions.


Some were aware of the risks and joined voluntarily, but others said they were tricked into going to the frontline after being promised cooking and cleaning jobs.

Snakebites remain a deadly threat in Nepal, especially among rural populations, but experts believe targeted awareness campaigns and increased treatment access could halve fatalities.


Boutique hotels and luxury chains aim to reimagine the Himalayan nation’s image as a cheap holiday spot for backpackers by offering comfortable, stylish accommodation in locations well off the beaten track.

Climate change and a dwindling number of practitioners pose a threat to the Sowa Rigpa system of medicine that dates back to more than 2,500 years.


Since 2018, documentary series Herne Katha has been travelling to ‘unexplored places’ in Nepal to tell deeply personal stories of people who rarely receive prominent media coverage

Nepali fighters were lured by promises of higher pay and a better life in Russia, but some were tricked into the war zone by unscrupulous agents.


In the past decade, many independent filmmakers in Nepal have tried to capture stories from non-urban settings, piquing the interests of both local and foreign audiences and setting them apart from commercial Hindi films.

A wave of young Hindu nationalist singers are releasing songs that ‘spew hatred against Muslims’ and other minorities in an emerging genre known as Hindutva pop.


The death of Priyanshu Yadav, 16, reveals the extent of abuse faced by India’s LGBTQ community, with many receiving hate and death threats for expressing themselves online.


While the names of India’s male rulers are part of the public consciousness, many powerful women are overlooked despite their contributions in history.


Despite the rise in LGBTQ-centric films in recent years, writers say queer genres of Indian literature are still quite limited in reach and representation.


Master artist Lok Chitrakar has been working on paubhas since he was 12, with some paintings taking years because of the amount of time needed for research.
