
Sino File | Coronavirus: a scientific inquiry could prevent a US-China war

  • Much of the world – and not only the West – believes China should be held to account for its role in the coronavirus pandemic
  • An investigation could clear Beijing’s name; without one, the whole world will be doomed to repeat history

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Often, the biggest catastrophes come with a silver lining. Throughout history, disasters have forced us to learn painful lessons that have spurred significant change and helped humanity to progress. The coronavirus pandemic will be no different.

Thus it is only reasonable and sensible that when the pandemic subsides the world will want to conduct a serious scientific study into it, to investigate how the virus spread and whether the actions governments took against it worked.

Given the damage the virus has done to the human race, this is imperative to answer a string of unanswered questions. Among the most pressing of these are whether the pandemic was inevitable; whether humans and their lifestyles were to blame; what roles globalisation, inequality and ecological degradation played; and what should be done to stop similar problems in future.


Medical scientists, virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists and pharmacologists are all eager to trace the origins of the virus and see how – and whether – it passed from animal to human.

It is extremely important for them to learn about and understand the virus’ characteristics. They will want to identify its source and cause, and reason for its spread.

Scientific studies will help public health departments work out more effective quarantine measures to contain its spread in the future, and support the development of a vaccine, medicines, and protective equipment.


The Covid-19 outbreak has exposed flaws in global public health security and management systems. Academic studies will help to upgrade these systems as well as boost global cooperation, coordination and management.
