
Quick Take | Is China the target of Japan’s record-busting defence budget?

  • Tokyo faces myriad threats, from China, North Korea and Russia to cyberattacks on the Summer Olympics
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Japan’s defence spending is expected to set a record next year as the country buys expensive American weapons amid threats from China and North Korea. Among the biggest purchases are six F-35B stealth fighters at 14 billion yen each for deployment in 2024. Photo: AP

Japan’s Ministry of Defence has requested a record 5.32 trillion yen (US$50.5 billion) for the next financial year.


If approved, this will be the eighth straight year-on-year increase in Tokyo’s defence spending and represents a 1.2 per cent increase over the previous year. So, what’s behind the increase?

To begin with, there is the North Korea factor. Of late, North Korea has been testing a series of missiles at regular intervals. While these are short- and medium-range missiles and have not landed in Japan’s EEZ (exclusive economic zone), the worry for Japan is that these tests have not elicited much of a response from Washington.

That could be both good and bad news. It could mean that Washington does not see these tests by Pyongyang as reason for alarm. But that lack of alarm on America’s behalf may be because while it sees long-range missiles capable of hitting its bases in Guam as a threat, it’s less worried about short-range missiles that can’t reach its territory.
