
GreyOrange, robot-maker, plans Chinese expansion

Chinese market too big for just one company.

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Robots from GreyOrange

Indian company GreyOrange, which makes robots that pick and move packages in warehouses, plans to expand to mainland China in the third quarter and become a major operator in the country’s automation market.


“We are aiming at a 50 per cent market share in China,” said Nalin Advani, the chief executive for Asia-Pacific and Japan at GreyOrange.

As rising wages prompt many labour-intensive businesses to move their operations to neighbouring countries, China has found itself a ripe market for robotics companies with automated systems that can replace human workers, analysts said.

GreyOrange provides two robot lines, “Butlers” and “Sorters”.

Butlers fetch goods from shelves and bring them to human workers for processing. Sorters load, scan and bag packets.


Advani said GreyOrange intends to partner with a Chinese logistics-services provider to help market and distribute its products in the country — the world’s largest e-commerce market.
