
Opinion | Israel Folau posts homophobic social media rant: diverse views are fine, but this expression is a hate crime

  • Language is powerful, and the way Folau chose to make his point differentiates it from free speech and makes it bigotry
  • Strong and condemning phrases empower other bigots to act on their homophobia – make Folau’s Tweet a hate crime

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Australia’s Israel Folau posted a homophobic rant on social media. Photo: Reuters

Australian rugby player Israel Folau has taken to social media once again to express his religious views. In the wake of a decision in Tasmania for optional listing of gender on birth certificates, Folau posted on Instagram: “Warning – Drunks, Homosexuals, Adulterers, Liars, Fornicators, Thieves, Atheists, Idolaters. HELL AWAITS YOU. REPENT! ONLY JESUS SAVES”.


The man doesn’t beat around the bush. Folau has now entered the murky area between free speech, the right to religious views and out and out hate speech.

On Twitter he added: “The devil has blinded so many people in this world, REPENT and turn away from your evil ways. Turn to Jesus Christ who will set you free,” with a screen shot of the Tasmanian headline.

Rugby Australia has terminated Folau’s contract. But should he have had his career cut short? Or should he be allowed to continue, given his views are based on religion, as Rugby Australia declared previously, stating that they don’t support his position but they support his right to have it?