Stats / Horses / JUNKO

JUNKO (J816) 真強

A. Fabre / Rating:

Import Type / Colour / Sex / Age / Country of Origin:
VIS / b / g / 6 yrs / GB
Owner: Wertheimer & Frere
Last win: 10-12-23
Health: -
Bloodline Relations: YOUNG RASCAL
Sire: Intello
Dam: Lady Zuzu

Past Performances
Total Starts: 1: (1-0-0)
ST 2400m: 1 (1-0-0)
RaceTrack/GoingDistClRankTrainerWt.JockeyDrGrWinner2nd3rdWin TimeLast QtrSection TimeIn RunningW/MHorse WtRtOdds
10-12-23235ST tf g A2400G11A. Fabre126M. Guyon7 JUNKOZEFFIROWARM HEART2:30:1223.59103.66 23.19 23.278-8-7-6-5-111124117105.5

HKJC Comment

Slow to begin, raced rearward & continued three wide with cover in the middle stages. Shifted out to be the widest runner on straightening, finished strongly down the outside to take lead at the 175m & go on to win well.