Stats / Horses / GARLINGARI


C. Barande-Barbe / Rating:

Import Type / Colour / Sex / Age / Country of Origin:
VIS / b / g / 13 yrs / FR
Owner: C Barande-Barbe
Last win: -
Health: Lame right front leg with swollen left front fetlock after racing. (11/12/2016)
Bloodline Relations: nil
Sire: Linngari
Dam: Garlinote

Past Performances
Total Starts: 2: (0-0-0)
ST 2000m: 1 (0-0-0)
ST 2400m: 1 (0-0-0)
RaceTrack/GoingDistClRankTrainerWt.JockeyDrGrWinner2nd3rdWin TimeLast QtrSection TimeIn RunningW/MHorse WtRtOdds
10-12-17261ST tf g A2000G19C. Barande-Barbe126S. Pasquier6CPTIME WARPWERTHERNEOREALISM2:01:6322.0876.16 23.75 22.934-4-4-6-97.59891134295
11-12-16253ST tf g A2400G17C. Barande-Barbe126S. Pasquier8CP SATONO CROWNHIGHLAND REELONE FOOT IN HEAVEN2:26.224.1 99.31 23.94 24.559-8-12-79.759701148486

HKJC Comment

Caught 3-wide early stages before finding cover behind leaders entering back-straight, driven along 500M, tried but failed to make any impression.