Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

27 January 2019 - Sha Tin


Class G3 - 1800M - B+2
Course: ST Sunny
Going: g
Finish Time: 1:45:68
Sectional Time: 13.85 21.81 22.76 23.54 23.72

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
12EXULTANT (B101)Z. PurtonA. S. Cruz12613242.361:45:689-8-9-6-159.54 22.98 23.16
29DINOZZO (V246)H. N. WongJohn Size103113263841.251:45:878-9-8-9-259.54 23.10 23.23
36ROMANTIC TOUCH (S393)M. ChadwickA. S. Cruz108114298421.751:45:967-7-6-8-359.26 23.30 23.40
47INSAYSHABLE (B156)J. MoreiraJohn Size1071157.57.213.51:46:235-4-4-4-459.02 23.26 23.95
54SINGAPORE SLING (B104)K. TeetanA. T. Millard1181246.65.494.51:46:414-5-5-5-559.06 23.34 24.01
65PINGWU SPARK (A262)K. C. LeungT. P. Yung116122263685.51:46:561-1-1-1-658.42 23.54 24.60
78HORSE OF FORTUNE (T118)W. M. LaiC. H. Yip104113359976 1:46:626-6-7-7-759.30 23.26 24.06
83GLORIOUS FOREVER (B236)S. De SousaF. C. Lor1251312.33.258.251:47:013-3-3-3-858.78 23.50 24.73
91TIME WARP (A066)C. Y. HoA. S. Cruz1271338.912310.751:47:382-2-2-2-958.70 23.50 25.18
Breed of the Winning Horse:EXULTANT
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 2 23.5
place 2 12.5
9 59.5
6 100
quinella 2-9 246
quinella place 2-9 85.5
2-6 154.5
6-9 696
3 pick 1 (Composite Win) A1 13.5
Winning Trainer (Composite Win) B1 19.5
tierce 2-9-6 7675
trio 2-6-9 2808
first 4 2-6-7-9 2063
quartet 2-9-6-7 31127
6th double (7-2) $273.5
6th double consulation (7-9) $288.5
2nd double trio (5,7,12/2,6,9) $262584.0

Recap by phillip woo

Crowded soon after a sluggish start, post-time favourite Exultant came with a bold move from the rear to take control 160m out to add to a Hong Kong Vase win and notch a remarkable 1,200th win for trainer Tony Cruz. Dinozzo came on nicely travelling second last to fill the Quinella spot 100m out. He was suited by the pace and the light weight. Romantic Touch ran on well to make it close for second after angling into the clear at the 250m following a patient ride fourth from the back. He can bob up now and then. Insayshable wasn't good enough following a rails run fore of midfield. He's honest but had his chance. Singapore Sling kept on one-paced after racing keenly one-off in midfield. He's disappointed three times now. Pingwu Spark went too fast in front in his first try over the 1,800m. Brothers Time Warp and early favourite Glorious Forever came up surprisingly empty after tracking the leader. It was an off-day for both.

Racing Incident Report

Race Seven: (372) - THE CENTENARY VASE (HANDICAP) - Class G3 - 1800Meters

INSAYSHABLE began only fairly.

EXULTANT was bumped by GLORIOUS FOREVER at the start which shifted out.

After being taken out by GLORIOUS FOREVER, EXULTANT was checked a short distance after the start when crowded for room between GLORIOUS FOREVER and HORSE OF FORTUNE which was taken in by PINGWU SPARK which, after initially being bumped by SINGAPORE SLING, then got its head on the side and shifted in further away from that horse.

Approaching the 1500 Metres, HORSE OF FORTUNE momentarily raced tight inside SINGAPORE SLING.

Passing the 1500 Metres, GLORIOUS FOREVER got its head up when being steadied away from the heels of PINGWU SPARK (K C Leung) which shifted in when not properly clear.

K C Leung was reprimanded.

After the 1400 Metres, SINGAPORE SLING commenced to prove very difficult to settle and got its head up when being steadied away from the heels of GLORIOUS FOREVER.

Approaching and passing the 1000 Metres, GLORIOUS FOREVER travelled keenly and was steadied away from the heels of PINGWU SPARK.

Passing the 300 Metres, TIME WARP was struck across the nose by the whip of J Moreira (INSAYSHABLE).

When questioned, K C Leung stated that as PINGWU SPARK was stepping up in distance today, he was asked to ride the horse in a forward position with cover.

He said it was felt that TIME WARP and GLORIOUS FOREVER would show more early speed than PINGWU SPARK given their established running patterns and that the opportunity presented itself for PINGWU SPARK to be able to obtain a trailing position behind either or both of those horses.

He said, from a wide barrier, he rode his mount along in the early stages to cross runners to his inside and PINGWU SPARK showed more early speed than GLORIOUS FOREVER and he was able to cross that horse near the 1500 Metres without having to ride his mount aggressively to do so.

He said after the 1500 Metres PINGWU SPARK had established a margin of about one length over TIME WARP to its inside and as the pace of the race in the early stages was not overly fast, it seemed that he would have sufficient speed to cross TIME WARP given that he did not have to make any use of his horse to establish a forward position.

He said when PINGWU SPARK maintained an increasing margin over TIME WARP passing the 1200 Metres, he allowed his mount to continue forward to cross that horse.

He said however that as he was doing this, TIME WARP was ridden to maintain its position to his inside.

He said he therefore allowed PINGWU SPARK to improve its position further passing the 1100 Metres in order to cross TIME WARP, however, that horse continued to be ridden along in an attempt to maintain its position.

He added as he did not believe that it was reasonable to then steady PINGWU SPARK to allow TIME WARP to improve to his inside given the significant margin that PINGWU SPARK had established over TIME WARP, he elected to continue forward of that horse and crossed TIME WARP after the 900 Metres.

He said this resulted in the race after the 1200 Metres being run at a particularly quick tempo.

Mr T P Yung, the trainer of PINGWU SPARK, confirmed that it was not intended for the horse to lead.

He said the established racing patterns of TIME WARP and GLORIOUS FOREVER led him to believe that it would be available for PINGWU SPARK to obtain a trailing position behind those horses.

He said however he accepted the circumstances of the race in the early stages resulted in PINGWU SPARK being further forward in the race than had been intended.

K C Leung was told that the Stewards accepted that it was not the intention for PINGWU SPARK to lead and that the sectionals in the early part of the race were not particularly quick which allowed PINGWU SPARK the opportunity to initially cross GLORIOUS FOREVER and then to establish a margin over TIME WARP.

However, having regard to the fact that he was well aware of TIME WARP's normal racing pattern and given the tempo of the race after the 1200 Metres quickened appreciably, he must ensure that he rides his mounts in such a manner that they are able to finish off their race wherever circumstances permit.

C Y Ho stated that, as is usual, he was asked to lead on TIME WARP.

He said he was surprised that PINGWU SPARK was able to show sufficient speed to be able to gain an advantage over TIME WARP, however, he endeavoured to maintain his position to that horse's inside as he believed that if he allowed PINGWU SPARK to cross TIME WARP, the rider of that horse would steady the tempo which would result in TIME WARP's opportunity to close off the race being disadvantaged.

He said for this reason he continued to maintain his position inside PINGWU SPARK until after the 1000 Metres at which time the tempo of the race was too strong for him to maintain his position to that horse's inside.

When questioned regarding the disappointing performance of GLORIOUS FOREVER, S de Sousa stated that coming back in trip to 1800 Metres today, GLORIOUS FOREVER did not show as much early speed as it did last start over 2000 Metres when it was able to lead.

He said, despite riding his mount along, he was unable to prevent PINGWU SPARK from crossing GLORIOUS FOREVER and after being awkwardly placed close to that horse's heels near the 1500 Metres GLORIOUS FOREVER then travelled comfortably.

He said although the race was being run at a quick tempo in the middle stages, he was not concerned by this as GLORIOUS FOREVER was travelling strongly enough to be awkwardly placed behind PINGWU SPARK after the 1000 Metres.

He added GLORIOUS FOREVER travelled satisfactorily until near the 500 Metres at which time he was unable to prevent TIME WARP from shifting out on his inside.

He said, despite placing GLORIOUS FOREVER under heavy pressure, his mount gave ground noticeably in the early part of the Straight and then did not finish off the race.

He added GLORIOUS FOREVER had trialed well in the lead up to today's race which indicated to him that the horse had taken no ill effect from its last start success.

He said what was particularly concerning about GLORIOUS FOREVER's performance today was the fact that PINGWU SPARK, which led the race, was able to finish in advance of GLORIOUS FOREVER at the end of the race.

Mr F C Lor, the trainer of GLORIOUS FOREVER, stated that as a result of the horse's trial since its most recent start, a forward showing was expected of GLORIOUS FOREVER as the horse trialed particularly well.

He said the horse had worked well since that trial and the only explanation he could find for its disappointing performance was the fast tempo of the race in the middle stages.

A veterinary inspection of GLORIOUS FOREVER immediately following the race found that horse to have sustained a small wound to the outside of the left hind cannon.

The performance of GLORIOUS FOREVER, a last start winner and favourite for much of the betting for this race, was considered unacceptable.

Before being allowed to race again, GLORIOUS FOREVER will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

A veterinary inspection of TIME WARP immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

EXULTANT and DINOZZO were sent for sampling.