Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

3 September 2017 - Sha Tin


Class 4 - 1400M - B
Course: ST Cloudy
Going: g
Finish Time: 1:22:56
Sectional Time: 13.57 21.81 23.03 24.15

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
16GOOD FOR YOU (T265)N. RawillerY. S. Tsui531277.29.461:22:568-8-7-136.26 22.99 23.31
22EVEREST (V296)S. ClippertonW. Y. So571319.87.98SH 1:22:584-4-4-235.74 23.23 23.61
31EXPERTO CREDE (A110)T. BerryJ. Moore591333.73.35N 1:22:616-6-5-336.02 23.11 23.48
47DIAMOND MYSTERIOUS (S426)C. SchofieldK. W. Lui5112598.731.751:22:8610-11-9-436.50 22.99 23.37
510RED HORSE (V334)D. WhyteC. H. Yip461202143122.251:22:947-7-6-536.18 23.07 23.69
65ASSOCIATION FANS (V207)O. DoleuzeC. W. Chang551294594112.51:22:9613-13-13-636.78 23.03 23.15
714UNIQUE JOYFUL (S241)H. T. MoA. Lee41108252072.751:23:003-2-2-735.50 23.03 24.47
83HAPPY AND HEALTHY (T056)M. F. PoonD. Hall57124101494 1:23:1912-12-12-836.70 23.07 23.42
913MY GIFT (V242)H. W. LaiP. F. Yiu411152899105.51:23:4611-10-10-936.46 23.15 23.85
1012VIVA COUNCIL (A190)K. TeetanL. Ho421166.15.2135.751:23:471-1-1-1035.38 23.03 25.06
1111FIVE STARS AGENT (V001)J. MoreiraJohn Size451197.65.717.251:23:732-3-3-1135.62 23.23 24.88
128SAVANNAH WIND (A307)Z. PurtonC. S. Shum481222324218 1:25:459-9-11-1236.26 23.47 25.72
139HAPPY SEA DRAGON (A078)M. ChadwickT. P. Yung461205399426.51:26:805-5-8-1335.78 23.67 27.35
WD4CELESTIAL ARROW (A169)K. C. LeungC. S. Shum56128WD--
Sire:Thorn Park
Breed of the Winning Horse:GOOD FOR YOU
Dam:La Serenissime
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 6 94.5
place 6 25.5
2 21.5
1 15
quinella 2-6 287
quinella place 2-6 88
1-6 64.5
1-2 56
3 pick 1 (Composite Win) A2 27.5
tierce 6-2-1 2124
trio 1-2-6 289
first 4 1-2-6-7 779
quartet 6-2-1-7 19553
5th double (8-6) $224.5
5th double consulation (8-2) $46.5
triple trio (5,6,11/4,8,13/1,2,6) $20,144,383.00
triple trio consolation (5,6,11/4,8,13/
Any combination)
triple trio jackpot $16,115,506.00
(10 Sep 2017)

Recap by phillip woo

Good For You timed things perfectly with a weaving run near the inside after travelling behind midfield to get up in the dying stages to make it back-to-back first-up wins. He had been knocking on the door late last season and should remain competitive in the grade. Everest was collared late after working to the lead 100m out following a handy run. He rarely runs a bad race and should be winning shortly. Favourite Experto Crede came from midfield to make it a blanket finish on the wire. It was a terrific run carrying top weight and he'll pay off shortly. Diamond Mysterious got going late from near the back to fill the frame. He'll come on for this run and should pick up a race soon. Association Fans was making noticeable ground late from the rear of the field in an improved second run in the grade. He might be able to get away with a race soon over the 1,400m or 1,600m. Viva Council faltered after dictating the run.

Racing Incident Report

Race Six: (6) - TAMAR HANDICAP - Class 4 - 1400Meters

CELESTIAL ARROW was withdrawn on 31.8.17 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (fever).

Before being allowed to race again, CELESTIAL ARROW will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

MY GIFT began awkwardly and stumbled, resulting in the horse losing ground.

DIAMOND MYSTERIOUS began only fairly and shortly after the start was crowded for room inside HAPPY SEA DRAGON which, after beginning very awkwardly, got its head up on a number of occasions and shifted in after making contact with EXPERTO CREDE.

ASSOCIATION FANS was hampered on jumping when crowded for room inside RED HORSE which shifted in.

After this, from a wide barrier, ASSOCIATION FANS was shifted across behind runners to obtain cover.

FIVE STARS AGENT shifted out soon after the start and inconvenienced SAVANNAH WIND.

HAPPY AND HEALTHY was steadied and shifted across behind runners to obtain cover in the early stages.

After initially being ridden along in the early stages to take up a forward position, RED HORSE was steadied passing the 1300 Metres to obtain cover, however, after the 1100 Metres was left racing wide and without cover.

Passing the 1200 Metres, FIVE STARS AGENT got its head up when travelling keenly and awkwardly placed close to the heels of VIVA COUNCIL.

After making the turn at the 900 Metres, FIVE STARS AGENT again commenced to travel keenly and got its head up when being checked away from the heels of VIVA COUNCIL.

Then approaching the 800 Metres, FIVE STARS AGENT, which was continuing to travel keenly, clipped the heels of VIVA COUNCIL and blundered.

HAPPY SEA DRAGON, which was following, was checked in consequence.

Approaching the 300 Metres, GOOD FOR YOU was shifted in away from the heels of FIVE STARS AGENT which commenced to give ground.

ASSOCIATION FANS lay in under pressure in the Straight.

ASSOCIATION FANS lost its right front plate after the race.

After the race, the Veterinary Officer reported that HAPPY SEA DRAGON had bled from both nostrils.

A veterinary inspection of SAVANNAH WIND and FIVE STARS AGENT immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

A veterinary inspection of VIVA COUNCIL immediately following the race found that horse to be lame in its right front leg.

Before being allowed to race again, VIVA COUNCIL will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

EXPERTO CREDE, GOOD FOR YOU and EVEREST were sent for sampling.