Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

7 May 2017 - Sha Tin


Class 2 - 1000M - A+3
Course: ST Cloudy
Going: g/f
Finish Time: 0:55.9
Sectional Time: 12.92 20.31 22.70

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
16HOUSE OF FUN (V092)J. MoreiraJohn Size89117104.470:55.94-3-113.12 20.31 22.50
25ADVENTURER (V066)H. N. WongY. S. Tsui91112223940.500:56.01-1-212.92 20.31 22.80
31MAGIC LEGEND (A170)D. WhyteJ. Moore1051331.62.4130.750:56.06-5-313.24 20.35 22.48
44ARCHIPPUS (P361)N. CallanP. O'Sullivan9512320121410:56.010-10-413.40 20.39 22.29
510FLYING TOURBILLON (T051)K. K. ChiongP. F. Yiu821082762310:56.15-6-513.20 20.43 22.47
63MY LITTLE FRIEND (S010)O. DoleuzeT. P. Yung9712511151220:56.212-9-613.48 20.27 22.51
713PREMIERE (A051)K. TeetanJohn Size81113161082.500:56.33-2-713.08 20.27 22.96
89GOLD LAND (A109)K. C. NgA. S. Cruz831085199114.250:56.614-14-813.72 20.71 22.18
92RACING SUPERNOVA (V128)Z. PurtonW. Y. So1031318.94.364.250:56.69-7-913.36 20.35 22.91
107GOLDEN HARVEST (N236)H. T. MoA. T. Millard85103336554.750:56.62-4-1013.04 20.43 23.22
1112APOLLO'S CHOICE (S312)T. H. SoD. Hall811118954950:56.78-11-1113.32 20.63 22.76
128HAPPY METEOR (T171)M. L. YeungJ. Moore85111719926.750:56.97-8-1213.32 20.43 23.24
1311GENERAL IRON (P429)W. M. LaiD. Ferraris821134199109.250:57.411-13-1313.40 20.67 23.35
1414RADIANT TREASURE (A230)H. W. LaiA. Lee8011399991100:57.513-12-1413.48 20.51 23.55
Breed of the Winning Horse:HOUSE OF FUN
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 6 44.5
place 6 16
5 69.5
1 13.5
quinella 5-6 894.5
quinella place 5-6 235.5
1-6 35
1-5 116
3 pick 1 (Composite Win) A2 26
tierce 6-5-1 6362
trio 1-5-6 638
first 4 1-4-5-6 1096
quartet 6-5-1-4 44398
5th double (9-6) $702.5
5th double consulation (9-5) $427.5
triple trio (1,9,12/4,7,9/1,5,6) $1,592,337.00
triple trio consolation (1,9,12/4,7,9/
Any combination)
triple trio jackpot $796,168.00
(13 May 2017)

Recap by phillip woo

Sensationally-backed House Of Fun responded well after chasing the speed fourth and two off the stands side to take control 50m out for a fifth win from 10 starts in his first try over the straight 1,000m. He's a very honest sprinter. Adventurer kept up a good gallop for second after showing superior gate speed to lead from a bad gate. He's a trip specialist and a return to blinkers woke him up on the back of fading efforts in three prior starts. There were a lot of hard-luck stories finishing in behind. Favourite Magic Legend was all dressed up with nowhere to go but still got the bob down for third following a midfield run. He should have won with unimpeded running. Archippus had to check off heels for a clear run 100m out after winding up from behind midfield on the stands side. He should have gone a lot closer. Flying Tourbillon stuck on well from midfield travelling on the difficult far side from a tough draw to make it close for a placing. He'll be hard to beat from a good draw at the Valley. My Little Friend hampered both Racing Supernova and Golden Harvest when pulling out for a clear run from behind midfield at the 250m and was then badly checked himself 50m out. He had excuses.

Racing Incident Report

Race Six: (630)-PACIFIC OCEAN HANDICAP - Class 2 - 1000Metres

RADIANT TREASURE was slow to begin.

GENERAL IRON lost its right front plate at the start and began awkwardly.

ARCHIPPUS began only fairly.

Shortly after the start, MY LITTLE FRIEND was bumped by GOLD LAND which was taken out by GENERAL IRON.

For some distance after the 700 Metres, PREMIERE raced tight outside ADVENTURER (Apprentice H N Wong) which shifted out.

Apprentice Wong was advised to ensure that he leaves comfortable racing room for his fellow riders in similar circumstances.

Near the 650 Metres, ARCHIPPUS got its head on the side and shifted in towards the heels of MAGIC LEGEND which was racing tight outside HOUSE OF FUN.

Passing the 650 Metres, RACING SUPERNOVA was awkwardly placed close to the heels of GOLDEN HARVEST.

Then approaching and passing the 500 Metres, RACING SUPERNOVA raced tight between MY LITTLE FRIEND and GOLDEN HARVEST.

After the 600 Metres, RADIANT TREASURE (H W Lai) got its head on the side and lay out.

After the race, H W Lai reported that his saddle shifted to the right passing the 600 Metres, causing him some inconvenience.

Near the 450 Metres, RACING SUPERNOVA was steadied when crowded for room between GOLDEN HARVEST which shifted out marginally and MY LITTLE FRIEND which shifted in when attempting to improve inside HOUSE OF FUN which shifted in at this time.

For some distance after the 400 Metres, MAGIC LEGEND was held up for clear running when attempting to improve outside HOUSE OF FUN.

At this stage, ARCHIPPUS improved into tight running between MAGIC LEGEND and PREMIERE, resulting in both horses racing very tight until after the 100 Metres at which time MAGIC LEGEND was shifted to the inside of HOUSE OF FUN Apprentice K K Chiong (FLYING TOURBILLON) pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that near the 150 Metres she failed to take sufficient measures to prevent her mount from shifting out, resulting in GOLDEN HARVEST being checked and losing its rightful running when crowded for room inside MY LITTLE FRIEND.

Apprentice Chiong was suspended from riding in races for a period to commence on Sunday, 28 May 2017 and to expire on Monday, 5 June 2017 on which day she may resume race riding (3 Hong Kong racedays).

In addition, Apprentice Chiong was fined $15,000.

In assessing penalty, the Stewards took into consideration that this was the 6th occasion this season that Apprentice Chiong had been charged with careless riding.

Close to the finishing line, MY LITTLE FRIEND was severely checked when crowded for room between FLYING TOURBILLON (Apprentice K K Chiong) which shifted out marginally wen laying out and MAGIC LEGEND which was shifted to the inside of HOUSE OF FUN.

MAGIC LEGEND was then bumped close to the finishing line by ARCHIPPUS which improved into tight running between MAGIC LEGEND and HOUSE OF FUN.

Apprentice Chiong was advised that whilst the initial shift from MAGIC LEGEND and then ARCHIPPUS had a significant bearing on this incident, nonetheless she had permitted FLYING TOURBILLON to shift out when riding it along.

Apprentice Chiong was severely reprimanded and advised to ensure that she makes every endeavour to prevent her mounts from shifting ground.

A veterinary inspection of RACING SUPERNOVA immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

MAGIC LEGEND, HOUSE OF FUN and ADVENTURER were sent for sampling.