Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

12 October 2016 - Happy Valley


Class 3 - 1650M - B
Course: HV Cloudy
Going: g
Finish Time: 1:40.8
Sectional Time: 28.41 23.12 25.65 23.71

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
12SO CAFFE (S258)J. MoreiraC. Fownes781333.12.831:40.86-6-7-152.33 25.49 23.07
25LITTLE ISLAND (T390)Z. PurtonK. L. Man691246.15.671.251:41.13-3-2-252.09 25.21 23.81
37PEARL WARM WARM (T183)M. L. YeungP. O'Sullivan63116151421.501:41.15-5-4-352.29 25.25 23.58
46BEAUTY LOVE (V025)K. K. ChiongA. S. Cruz651139.67.851.751:41.11-1-1-451.53 25.65 23.99
54CHATER LEGEND (T151)D. WhyteD. Ferraris701256.44.91021:41.28-9-8-552.69 25.25 23.26
69MISSION POSSIBLE (V043)C. SchofieldC. S. Shum621176.69.212.501:41.24-4-5-652.17 25.53 23.59
78LUCKY HAMMER (P417)H. N. WongY. S. Tsui62110101046.501:41.92-2-3-751.77 25.69 24.47
81JOYFUL PARK (S382)O. BossonT. P. Yung781332061971:42.010-10-9-852.97 25.17 23.87
910COLOSSUS (T170)S. ClippertonJ. Moore611171419671:42.07-7-6-952.49 25.21 24.31
103BALAY BALAY (V247)K. TeetanA. T. Millard7012527758101:42.49-8-10-1052.65 25.49 24.33
Sire:Dark Angel
Breed of the Winning Horse:SO CAFFE
Dam:Another Valentine
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 2 28
place 2 14.5
5 18.5
7 33
quinella 2-5 90
quinella place 2-5 31.5
2-7 73
5-7 111
3 pick 1 (Composite Win) A1 19
tierce 2-5-7 869
trio 2-5-7 280
first 4 2-5-6-7 493
quartet 2-5-7-6 5852
2nd double (5-2) $86.5
2nd double consulation (5-5) $30.0

Recap by phillip woo

The well-fancied So Caffe shouldered out soon after straightening following a midfield run and closed off well to take control 50m out for a third win in his past four starts. The winning may not be over yet despite a rise in grade. Little Island was given every chance one-out, one-back and found one too smart after hitting the front 180m out. He's ready to win. Pearl Warm Warm finished well following a one-off run in midfield to just miss second. He relished step back up to the mile and might even get 1,800m this term. Beauty Love grudgingly gave way after assuming the lead from Lucky Hammer 1,100m out. He's needed his opening two runs this term and won't be as easy to run down when next stepping out. Chater Legend closed off well and just needs to draw a gate. Mission Possible didn't quite get the mile following a midfield run.

Racing Incident Report

Race Three: (096)-LARCH HANDICAP (Sec2) - Class 3 - 1650Metres

BALAY BALAY was slow to begin.

SO CAFFE was crowded for room on jumping between LUCKY HAMMER and PEARL WARM WARM, which shifted out after beginning awkwardly.

COLOSSUS was crowded for room on jumping between BEAUTY LOVE and LITTLE ISLAND, both of which shifted ground, this resulted in all three horses becoming unbalanced.

From the outside barriers, JOYFUL PARK and CHATER LEGEND were shifted across behind runners in the early stages.

Approaching the winning post on the first occasion, COLOSSUS was awkwardly placed close to the heels of PEARL WARM WARM.

Passing the 1300 Metres, BALAY BALAY shifted out away from the heels of SO CAFFE, resulting in JOYFUL PARK losing ground when crowded for room inside CHATER LEGEND.

Approaching and passing the 800 Metres, CHATER LEGEND was awkwardly placed close to the heels of COLOSSUS which was travelling keenly and racing close to the heels of PEARL WARM WARM.

At the entrance to the Straight, MISSION POSSIBLE and SO CAFFE raced tight inside PEARL WARM WARM which shifted in.

When questioned regarding her riding of BEAUTY LOVE, Apprentice K K Chiong stated that she had been instructed to lead on the horse if possible.

She said after shifting in to race outside the leader LUCKY HAMMER passing the winning post on the first occasion, she felt that the rider of LUCKY HAMMER was steadying his mount and as she had been instructed to lead, she felt that there was an opportunity to improve her position on BEAUTY LOVE around LUCKY HAMMER and assume the lead.

She said after improving forward of LUCKY HAMMER at the 1200 Metres, that horse maintained its position to the inside of BEAUTY LOVE and it was not until after the 900 Metres that BEAUTY LOVE was able to cross LUCKY HAMMER which resulted in the tempo of the race being much quicker than she had anticipated when she elected to improve forward of LUCKY HAMMER.

Apprentice Chiong agreed that LUCKY HAMMER was travelling more keenly than she thought during the race and, in retrospect, she should have continued to maintain the position outside LUCKY HAMMER.

Apprentice Chiong was reprimanded for her riding of BEAUTY LOVE from after the 1200 Metres and advised to ensure that she rides her mounts with appropriate judgement so that they can finish off their races as best as they are able in the circumstances.

When questioned, C Schofield stated that approaching the Home Turn MISSION POSSIBLE was placed on the rail and following LUCKY HAMMER.

He said at this time PEARL WARM WARM was racing to the outside of LUCKY HAMMER and marginally behind that horse.

He said whilst it was available to him to shift away from the rail and follow PEARL WARM WARM, he did not believe at the time this would place him in a better position than he had at that point.

He said with the worked back rail in operation, he anticipated that clear running would eventuate at the top of the Straight which it ultimately did.

He said however that by not shifting away from the rail, this allowed SO CAFFE to improve its position quickly to the outside of MISSION POSSIBLE passing the 400 Metres.

He added had he have shifted out at this time, whilst this may have prevented SO CAFFE from improving its position, it would not have improved the position of MISSION POSSIBLE which was why he elected to remain racing behind LUCKY HAMMER.

After the race, the Veterinary Officer reported that COLOSSUS was a "roarer" which had previously been reported.

A veterinary inspection of LUCKY HAMMER immediately following the race including an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse's trachea.

Before being allowed to race again, LUCKY HAMMER will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

SO CAFFE and LITTLE ISLAND were sent for sampling.