Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

10 April 2016 - Sha Tin


Class 5 - 1200M - C
Course: ST Cloudy
Going: g/y
Finish Time: 1:10.6
Sectional Time: 24.48 22.87 23.34

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
19RAY OF GOLD (N443)Z. PurtonY. S. Tsui271215.95.6101:10.69-8-125.20 22.79 22.70
211INTELLECTUAL GLIDE (S124)M. L. YeungA. Lee191128.91150.501:10.78-5-225.04 22.71 23.03
32SEASONS KING (T032)N. RawillerD. Hall371311614111.251:10.911-11-325.44 22.75 22.73
55CHANS DELIGHT (P420)C. SchofieldD. Cruz321265.43.812.751:11.12-1-524.48 22.87 23.79
63MASQUERADER (N234)D. WhyteA. Schutz38132169.993.751:11.26-6-624.92 22.99 23.36
78SURREAL (S400)K. C. LeungR. Gibson28120463234.751:11.44-3-724.76 22.83 23.86
812EVER SHINY (S214)K. K. ChiongC. H. Yip161038.81074.751:11.410-7-825.24 22.75 23.46
94MIGHTY GAINS (P260)C. Y. HoK. L. Man361284069261:11.63-4-924.64 23.07 23.95
1010FOTOGENIC (S114)M. ChadwickT. P. Yung261201010671:11.81-2-1024.48 22.91 24.41
111NOBLE BUDDIES (T356)J. MoreiraJ. Moore391333.95.11213.751:12.87-10-1125.00 23.07 24.82
127PRECIOUS GEM (S097)K. C. NgNg Ting-keung2811715214141:12.95-9-1224.80 23.19 24.94
Sire:Good Journey
Breed of the Winning Horse:RAY OF GOLD
Dam:La Bayadere
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 9 56.5
place 9 20.5
11 30.5
2 36
quinella 9-11 377
quinella place 9-11 119
2-9 124.5
2-11 239
3 pick 1 (Composite Win) A2 28
tierce 9-11-2 5072
trio 2-9-11 971
first 4 2-6-9-11 3785
quartet 9-11-2-6 60950
2nd double (10-9) $497.0
2nd double consulation (10-11) $169.0

Recap by phillip woo

Ray Of Gold closed willingly after shifting into the open five deep at the 300m following a one-off run fourth from the rear to grab victory 50m out. Intellectual Glide recovered quickly after a tardy break to travel in midfield along the fence, shifted into the open four deep at the 350m, swept to the front 150m despite a tendency to drift under the whip and found one too good in the fence. Seasons King came with a bold run six deep after travelling second from the rear to grab a placing. He's better suited over the 1,400m. Easy Ahead came from last and widest out to fill a Quartet spot after being hard ridden to stay in touch. Favourite Chans Delight held the fence while sharing the lead with Fotogenic, established a length lead at the 250m and was on his tippy toes 100m out. Masquerader only held his ground with two wider out after a one-off run in midfield. Plunged late, Surreal rushed forward after a slow break to settle fourth along the fence 1,000m out, straightened three deep and only plodded under pressure.

Racing Incident Report

Race Three: (547)-DONGSINAN HANDICAP - Class 5 - 1200Metres

A FAST ONE was withdrawn on 9.4.16 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (right fore medial suspensory branch injury) and was replaced by Standby Declared Starter SEASONS KING (N Rawiller).

Before being allowed to race again, A FAST ONE will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

SURREAL, which was fractious in the barriers, was slow to begin and then shortly after the start lost ground when checked away from the heels of PRECIOUS GEM.

As the start was effected, INTELLECTUAL GLIDE lifted its front feet off the ground and consequently began only fairly.

NOBLE BUDDIES began only fairly.

Shortly after the start, MIGHTY GAINS and PRECIOUS GEM bumped, resulting in both horses becoming unbalanced.

From an outside barrier, SEASONS KING was steadied in the early stages and shifted across behind runners to obtain cover.

Passing the 250 Metres, SEASONS KING was shifted in away from the heels of MIGHTY GAINS.

After the 200 Metres, INTELLECTUAL GLIDE got its head on the side and shifted out under pressure.

When questioned, K C Ng stated that he had been instructed to ride PRECIOUS GEM positively in the early stages as the horse, at its last campaign when trained by another stable, raced well when ridden up on the speed.

He said he was asked not to make too much use of the horse to do so if possible, however, if the pace of the race was sufficient, it would be acceptable for him to lead.

He said in accordance with his instructions, he rode PRECIOUS GEM along in the early stages to ensure that the horse was able to take up a forward position and after the 1100 Metres commenced to steady PRECIOUS GEM to take a trailing position behind MIGHTY GAINS.

He said PRECIOUS GEM, which was first up today after a significant break, raced too keenly and he was not able to restrain the horse to take a trailing position behind MIGHTY GAINS.

He added because of this he was left racing in a three wide position without cover until after the 800 Metres.

When questioned, M Chadwick stated that he had been instructed to ride FOTOGENIC positively in the early stages and obtain a forward position.

He said if it was available to him to obtain cover prior to the first turn, he should do so, however, it was imperative that FOTOGENIC was given the opportunity to be in a forward position.

He said these were the same instructions he received prior to the horse's last start at Happy Valley.

He said on that occasion, despite being vigorously ridden along in the early stages, FOTOGENIC was crossed by another runner shortly after the start which resulted in the horse not being able to be as far forward as intended.

He said in today's race he again rode FOTOGENIC along in the early stages.

He said as MIGHTY GAINS and PRECIOUS GEM were being ridden along in the early stages, it was not available to him to steady FOTOGENIC after the 1100 Metres to take up a trailing position as he was left racing four wide at this time in advance of both those horses.

He said because of this he was required to continue to ride FOTOGENIC along to clear runners to his inside which he was able to do after the 800 Metres.

He said he then attempted to steady FOTOGENIC given the amount of use he had to make of the horse in the early stages.

He added FOTOGENIC travelled keenly in the middle stages and consequently gave ground in the Straight.

He further stated after the race he advised connections to consider riding FOTOGENIC behind the speed in its future races if circumstances permit.

A veterinary inspection of FOTOGENIC immediately following the race did not show any significant findings, however, the horse was unable to be scoped due to being fractious.

When questioned regarding the disappointing performance of NOBLE BUDDIES, J Moreira stated that it had been intended, from the wide barrier, for the horse to be ridden in a forward position if circumstances permitted.

He said after being loaded into the barriers, NOBLE BUDDIES was fractious and as the start was effected began only fairly.

He said for this reason he felt it was in the best interests of the horse to be ridden more conservatively than had been intended rather than ride his mount along to clear runners to the inside.

He said he was able to obtain a trailing position behind PRECIOUS GEM near the 900 Metres, however, NOBLE BUDDIES travelled only fairly in the middle stages.

He added NOBLE BUDDIES came off the bridle prior to the Home Turn and then, despite being ridden along in the early part of the Straight, did not respond to his riding and was disappointing in the manner in which it gave ground.

A veterinary inspection of NOBLE BUDDIES immediately following the race did not show any significant findings.

The performance of NOBLE BUDDIES, one of the favoured runners in today's race, was considered unacceptable.

Before being allowed to race again, NOBLE BUDDIES will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in a barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination.