Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

31 March 2016 - Happy Valley


Class 5 - 1650M - C+3
Course: HV Cloudy
Going: g
Finish Time: 1:41.8
Sectional Time: 28.70 25.37 24.76 23.00

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
110FUNNY FORTUNE (P227)T. H. SoL. Ho291207.14.311:41.83-4-3-154.35 24.72 22.76
26ORACLE (N115)J. MoreiraD. Cruz351284.35.111SH1:41.82-2-2-254.19 24.80 22.86
38CHOICE EXCHEQUER (P088)C. SchofieldC. H. Yip32125119.191.751:42.11-1-1-354.07 24.76 23.29
42MR VANILLA (S209)N. CallanD. Ferraris391325.26831:42.29-9-6-455.07 24.28 22.94
54SOUTHCHINA COMMAND (S290)K. K. ChiongC. Fownes381216.28.643.501:42.37-7-8-554.83 24.80 22.75
61MI SAVVY BOY (S381)K. TeetanA. T. Millard401331011251:42.68-8-9-654.91 24.84 22.87
711DRAGON GLORY (P130)G. MosseC. W. Chang261208.15.9351:42.66-6-7-754.59 24.76 23.27
87HIGH SPEED METRO (P293)M. ChadwickS. Woods34127192665.251:42.611-10-10-855.15 24.64 22.86
93PLENTY OF SPEED (P401)N. RawillerA. Schutz38131302155.751:42.75-5-5-954.51 24.80 23.44
109ENDLESS LOVE (T035)Y. T. ChengT. P. Yung31124334476.751:42.910-11-11-1055.35 24.64 22.91
1112CASA JUNIOR (M366)K. C. NgNg Ting-keung131082332106.751:42.94-3-4-1154.35 24.80 23.75
WD5VIVACIOUS WINNER (V061)G. LerenaY. S. Tsui3713052-----
Sire:Sakhee's Secret
Breed of the Winning Horse:FUNNY FORTUNE
Dam:Here To Me
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 10 43
place 10 17
6 19
8 29.5
quinella 6-10 130.5
quinella place 6-10 56
8-10 72.5
6-8 101.5
3 pick 1 (Composite Win) A2 19.5
tierce 10-6-8 2110
trio 6-8-10 401
first 4 2-6-8-10 365
quartet 10-6-8-2 8555

Recap by phillip woo

Favoured at the jump, Funny Fortune was given a lovely ride in the box-seat, stayed to the inside upon straightening, worked to a narrow lead 100m out and fought off Oracle for the win. Oracle went forward from a wide gate to stalk the slow pace of Choice Exchequer, poked his head in front four deep at the 250m and found one too good. Choice Exchequer was gifted a soft time on the lead, cornered a length on top and grudgingly gave way over the final 100m. Mr Vanilla travelled third from the rear, made his move 600m out, straightened with two wider out and could get no closer than fourth. He wasn't suited by the pace. Southchina Command made some ground without menacing one from the outside after travelling one off the fence worse than midfield. Mi Savvy Boy made a mild bid near six deep in the drive after settling fourth from the rear in his first outing down in class. Dragon Glory didn't fire a shot after a rail's run in midfield.

Racing Incident Report

Race One: (519)-CAUSEWAY BAY HANDICAP - Class 5 - 1650Metres

VIVACIOUS WINNER was withdrawn on raceday morning by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (lame right fore).

Before being allowed to race again, VIVACIOUS WINNER will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

On arrival at the Start, G Mosse (DRAGON GLORY) reported that his mount coughed on the way to the Start.

DRAGON GLORY was examined by the Veterinary Officer who said that after the necessary consultations the horse was suitable to race.

FUNNY FORTUNE shifted out abruptly at the start despite the efforts of its rider, resulting in MI SAVVY BOY being checked when crowded for room inside DRAGON GLORY which also became badly unbalanced.

Then despite being vigorously ridden along in the early stages, DRAGON GLORY failed to muster speed.

SOUTHCHINA COMMAND lost its left front plate on jumping.

Shortly after the start, HIGH SPEED METRO and ENDLESS LOVE, which were being steadied to obtain cover, were crowded for room between PLENTY OF SPEED and MR VANILLA which shifted in.

Approaching the winning post on the first occasion, DRAGON GLORY, which had been ridden along, was steadied away from the heels of SOUTHCHINA COMMAND (Apprentice K K Chiong) which shifted in when not properly clear.

Apprentice Chiong was reprimanded.

In this incident, DRAGON GLORY shifted in and bumped the hindquarters of FUNNY FORTUNE, resulting in that horse becoming unbalanced.

Approaching the 1300 Metres, PLENTY OF SPEED was awkwardly placed close to the heels of ORACLE.

Passing the 400 Metres, DRAGON GLORY and PLENTY OF SPEED both became unbalanced when crowded for room inside CASA JUNIOR (K C Ng) which, when commencing to give ground, got its head on the side and shifted in marginally.

K C Ng was advised that in similar circumstances he must make every endeavour to prevent his mounts from shifting ground.

When questioned, Apprentice K K Chiong stated that approaching the 600 Metres SOUTHCHINA COMMAND was racing in a two wide position behind PLENTY OF SPEED.

She said passing the 600 Metres MR VANILLA improved quickly around SOUTHCHINA COMMAND after which she commenced to ride her mount along in an endeavour to follow MR VANILLA through.

She conceded that, after viewing the video and having regard to the tempo of the race in the early and middle stages, it may have been more advantageous for SOUTHCHINA COMMAND to shift to the outside of PLENTY OF SPEED which would have permitted SOUTHCHINA COMMAND the opportunity to improve whilst retaining cover behind CASA JUNIOR.

Apprentice Chiong was advised to, wherever possible, ensure that she places her mounts in advantageous positions as they become available.

When questioned, K C Ng stated that he had been asked to ride CASA JUNIOR in about 3rd or 4th position if possible.

He said passing the winning post on the first occasion there was briefly an opportunity to shift in to race behind PLENTY OF SPEED one horse off the rail, however, that horse was steadied to allow ORACLE to improve to its outside and because of this he was not able to shift CASA JUNIOR in to race behind that horse.

He said this resulted in CASA JUNIOR being left racing wide and without cover.

He said passing the 1300 Metres he attempted to steady CASA JUNIOR to see if there was an opportunity to obtain a position behind PLENTY OF SPEED with cover, however, at this time CASA JUNIOR got its head up on a number of occasions when being steadied and therefore he allowed the horse to remain racing outside PLENTY OF SPEED.

He added although the tempo of the race was slow, he did not believe it would be in the best interests of CASA JUNIOR to be ridden forward at that time to take up a position close to the rail, therefore he allowed his mount to remain racing in a three wide position without cover outside PLENTY OF SPEED.

K C Ng was advised that, in the opinion of the Stewards, having in mind the slow sectionals of the early and middle stages, his riding of CASA JUNIOR had lacked judgement and initiative by not allowing the horse to improve its position to be racing close to the rail.

He was reprimanded regarding his riding of CASA JUNIOR and advised that in similar circumstances he should ride his mounts in such a manner so as to ensure that they do not cover unnecessary ground, particularly when the tempo of the race is slow.

A veterinary inspection of MI SAVVY BOY immediately following the race did not show any significant findings, however, the horse was unable to be scoped due to being fractious.

A veterinary inspection of DRAGON GLORY immediately following the race including an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of mucus in the horse's trachea.

FUNNY FORTUNE and ORACLE were sent for sampling.