Results / Latest Results

Race Results:

17 January 2016 - Sha Tin


Class 3 - 1200M - C+3
Course: ST Cloudy
Going: g/y
Finish Time: 1:09.4
Sectional Time: 23.09 21.93 23.05

PlaceHorse NoHorse NameJockeyTrainerRateWeightONRDDrawMarginTimeIn RunningSection Time
110LUCKY EVER (T293)J. MoreiraC. S. Shum651182.21.821:09.46-5-124.37 22.46 22.60
29PAKISTAN BABY (S442)K. C. LeungA. S. Cruz661171642111.251:09.610-10-224.85 22.38 22.41
312SUPER FLUKE (T382)C. SchofieldD. Cruz63116172571.751:09.711-11-324.97 22.34 22.40
42DIAMOND DRAGON (V002)B. PrebbleK. W. Lui741276.43.832.251:09.74-2-424.21 22.46 23.10
51POPPING CANDY (S415)H. N. WongC. Fownes801266.29.4931:09.81-1-523.93 22.54 23.42
66SUPER LEADER (V016)D. WhyteC. H. Yip68121232583.501:09.99-8-624.57 22.46 22.96
74RUBY COAST (T159)C. Y. HoK. L. Man69120123463.751:10.012-12-725.01 22.30 22.72
88JOLLY BANNER (V077)S. De SousaP. F. Yiu671201318124.251:10.15-6-824.21 22.66 23.25
95FIVE STARS AGENT (V001)Y. T. ChengT. P. Yung68121276015.251:10.23-4-924.17 22.62 23.50
107A BEAUTIFUL (T421)H. W. LaiW. Y. So67120458945.751:10.38-9-1024.57 22.50 23.27
1111STRIKING STAR (V015)R. FourieA. Lee651186299107.751:10.62-3-1124.01 22.66 23.99
123SKY HERO (T083)M. L. YeungY. S. Tsui731241513513.251:11.57-7-1224.41 22.62 24.52
Breed of the Winning Horse:LUCKY EVER
Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
win 10 18
place 10 11
9 66
12 37
quinella 9-10 372.5
quinella place 9-10 94.5
10-12 61.5
9-12 342
3 pick 1 (Composite Win) A1 12.5
tierce 10-9-12 2937
trio 9-10-12 1015
first 4 2-9-10-12 751
quartet 10-9-12-2 13325
7th double (5-10) $264.0
7th double consulation (5-9) $637.5

Recap by phillip woo

Lucky Ever recovered to travel midfield along the fence after a tardy break, rounded the final bend five deep and responded well to take control 150m out for a first win at his fifth start. He can progress. Pakistan Baby bided his time third from the rear from a wide gate, pushed into the clear with one wider out at the 400m and finished willingly to grab second 50m out. He was suited by the sting out of the ground. Super Fluke finished nicely down the far outside after travelling second from the rear to grab a placing 20m out in an improved run. Diamond Dragon enjoyed a one-out, one-back run, straightened four deep and battled on to grab fourth inside the final 50m despite a rise in trip. Popping Candy cornered a length on top after dictating an even pace and was stopping 100m out. Super Leader travelled three deep fourth from the rear, swung the final bend with three wider out and made some ground without menacing. Jolly Banner only held his ground after travelling three deep fore of midfield without cover. Sky Hero was struggling 250m out after a deep run with cover in midfield.

Racing Incident Report

Race Eight: (335)-SOUTH WALL HANDICAP - Class 3 - 1200Metres

SKY HERO blundered at the start, resulting in its rider, M L Yeung, becoming unbalanced.

FIVE STARS AGENT shifted out at the start, resulting in LUCKY EVER being bumped and then momentarily crowded for room inside DIAMOND DRAGON.

SUPER LEADER shifted in at the start and bumped SUPER FLUKE.

A short distance later, SUPER FLUKE raced in restricted room between SUPER LEADER and RUBY COAST.

Passing the 1100 Metres, RUBY COAST was steadied and lost ground when crowded for room inside SUPER LEADER which was taken in by STRIKING STAR (R Fourie).

R Fourie was severely reprimanded and advised that in similar circumstances he would be expected to ensure that he is sufficiently clear prior to shifting ground.

Near the 1000 Metres, SKY HERO shifted out and bumped SUPER LEADER.

In the early stages, FIVE STARS AGENT raced with its head on the side and was inclined to shift out away from the rail.

Then making the turns, FIVE STARS AGENT continued to race with its head on the side.

Near the 850 Metres, DIAMOND DRAGON got its head up when awkwardly placed close to the heels of STRIKING STAR.

SKY HERO, which was following, was inconvenienced in consequence.

Passing the 200 Metres, RUBY COAST was shifted to the outside of SUPER LEADER after being disappointed for running between that horse and JOLLY BANNER.

Also passing the 200 Metres, DIAMOND DRAGON shifted out as B Prebble, the rider of the horse, attempted to free the whip which had become entangled in the horse's mane.

Then near the 150 Metres, JOLLY BANNER was steadied when crowded for room between SUPER LEADER which shifted in under pressure before being straightened by its rider and DIAMOND DRAGON which shifted out.

B Prebble was severely reprimanded and advised that whilst there were some circumstances in the lead up to this incident, nonetheless he would be expected to make a far greater effort than he did on this occasion to prevent his mount from shifting ground.

At the 200 Metres, the whip of K C Leung (PAKISTAN BABY) was knocked from his grasp by the whip of D Whyte (SUPER LEADER).

Approaching the 50 Metres, SUPER LEADER was momentarily awkwardly placed close to the heels of PAKISTAN BABY.

Throughout the race, JOLLY BANNER travelled wide and without cover.

After the race, an endoscopic examination was conducted on LUCKY EVER at the request of Trainer C S Shun.

The Veterinary Surgeon reported that this examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse's trachea.

Before being allowed to race again, LUCKY EVER will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

A veterinary inspection of SKY HERO immediately following the race including an endoscopic examination showed a substantial amount of blood in the horse's trachea and confirmed to be a "roarer" which had previously been reported.

Before being allowed to race again, SKY HERO will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

LUCKY EVER and PAKISTAN BABY were sent for sampling.