
Wuhan coronavirus: Lunar New Year Cup cancelled by government just hours after HKFA promotes the event

  • Potential health risks too great, says Football Association chairman Pui Kwan-kay, as Hong Kong tightens monitoring of the virus
  • Decision appears to be last minute as the Hong Kong Football Association said in the afternoon the event would go ahead as scheduled

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Hong Kong coach Cheung Kin-fung (left) and League Selection XI counterpart Liu Chun-fai promoting the Lunar New Year before it was cancelled on Thursday night. Photo: Chan Kin-wa

Just hours after the Hong Kong Football Association announced more details of Sunday’s Lunar New Year Cup, the event was cancelled by the government because of growing threats of the Wuhan coronavirus in Hong Kong.


On Thursday night, Acting Chief Executive Matthew Cheung Kin-chung said several major upcoming events – including Cathay Pacific’s International Chinese New Year Carnival and football’s Lunar New Year Cup – would be cancelled as a health precaution.

It appeared to be a last-minute decision as the Hong Kong Football Association said in the afternoon that the event would be going ahead as scheduled. HKFA chairman Pui Kwan-kay said they were contacted by government late in the afternoon regarding the new arrangements.

Hong Kong on Thursday tightened monitoring of the coronavirus as a second confirmed patient in the city was found to have had only a marginal fever, and no other telltale symptoms, when he went to hospital.
Hong Kong Football Association chairman Pui Kwan-kay and players' representatives for the 2020 Lunar New Year Cup Tsang Chi-hau (Hong Kong, left) and Fabio Alcantara (League Selection XI). Photo: Chan Kin-wa
Hong Kong Football Association chairman Pui Kwan-kay and players' representatives for the 2020 Lunar New Year Cup Tsang Chi-hau (Hong Kong, left) and Fabio Alcantara (League Selection XI). Photo: Chan Kin-wa