
A deep look into burgeoning blockchain audit

A new study explores the emerging trend of smart contract audits and shows that in the realm of assurance, decentralised finance is proving its worth 

Paid Post:CUHK Business School
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A deep look into burgeoning blockchain audit

Decentralised finance or DeFi emerged more than a decade ago alongside the rapid growth of cryptocurrencies as alternative investments. With no central authority, DeFi disrupts traditional financial systems and is a conduit to innovation. At the core of its disruptive power lies smart contracts on self-executing blockchains.  


Similar to other financial products, DeFi is not immune to theft, which is caused by programming errors and incomplete contracts. In April 2023, for example, blockchain-based lending protocol 0VIX lost approximately US$2 million after hackers exploited technical faults to manipulate its token prices. To mitigate this risk, smart contract audits became popular.  

Unlike standard financial audits for public firms, smart contract audits focus on the integrity and completeness of a piece of computer code as opposed to financial statements. A new study by Janja Brendel, Assistant Professor of the School of Accountancy at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School, found that the smart contract audit market is thriving.  

The study titled Decentralised finance (DeFi) asssurance: Early evidence, which was conducted in collaboration with Professor Thomas Bourveau at Columbia University and Professor Jordan Schoenfeld at the University of Utah, provides valuable insights into the smart contract audit market and the role of auditors in ensuring the security and reliability of DeFi ecosystems.  

“We provide some of the first evidence showing that these audits are pervasive, with the audit firm market composed of new technical audit firms. The scope of these audits can span a variety of contract features, and the audit inputs and outputs differ substantively from those of conventional financial audits,” says Professor Brendel. “The market reacts positively to the release of these audit reports, suggesting that these reports are value-relevant”. 


DeFi making deft inroads  
