
Investing in talent: Playing defence in an age of trade wars and disruptions

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Investing in talent: Playing defence in an age of trade wars and disruptions

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It is an unnerving truth – that countries in Asia have much to lose should tensions between the United States and China escalate into a full-blown trade war.

The world’s two biggest economies have been locked in battle since earlier this year, with the US imposing restrictions on a growing list of Chinese exports over accusations of unfair trade practices and theft of intellectual property.

China has responded tit for tat.

Both countries have already put in place tariffs on steel, aluminium, and some agricultural goods that amount to some US$50 billion on each side, with more in the pipeline.


Economists have estimated that every US$100 billion of imports affected by tariffs would chip away around 0.5 per cent of global trade. Beyond having an impact on imports and exports, the brewing trade skirmish between the US and China also affects the flow of investments and human capital.
